At the end of a very busy day, Mystic Mouse thinks about all the lessons Lion Sage shared with him. He sees that there are important rules that can help him in life, including the ten yamas and niyamas, which he now wants to memorize. He also sees that he can harness his instinctive nature, control his desires, just like he can control a strong horse with a simple rein. For the fi rst time he realizes the power of being able to control himself. Another super important lesson is to trust that God Siva is protecting him, guiding him, teaching the needed lessons, even if some of those lessons are diffi cult at fi rst. If he is patient, it will be seen that he is under the protection of a loving Siva. en, maybe most important of all, mouse has been introduced to the practice of acceptance. How wonderful would it be if he could accept everything as having a purpose, if he could accept even the diffi cult parts of life and not reject them or wish they never happened? He’s not quite there yet, but he sees how one day he could be as accepting as Lion Sage.236