In this chapter, Lion Sage explains wisdom to his furry apprentice. Mystic Mouse is happy to learn his true identity, to know he is more than just a mouse. He discovers that there is only one mind, and that he shares that one mind with his guru, Lion Sage, and with all beings, wherever they exist in the universe. en he learns about awareness, which is his true identity. He learns that yogis can to control their awareness and move anywhere in the mind they want to go. Lion Sage reveals to him that everything in the world is perfect when we see it from the spiritual perspective. Mystic Mouse hears about intuition, the voice of the soul. Lion Sage cautions Mystic Mouse about not talking too much, explaining that it blocks intuition. e sage then inspires his tiny friend with a glimpse of the Self beyond the mind. It’s almost more than Mystic Mouse can absorb in one afternoon, but he vows to ponder all that has been said.116