“ The human mind is exactly like a computer. Programs that go in are the beliefs. Their performance is the attitude, and the knowledge or the impetus that passes through both determines the output or the action. Children will learn the basic attitudes from their mothers and fathers by absorbing the beliefs that their mothers and fathers have placed into their subconscious mind, even prenatally.” Gurudevaversion is available online fordownloading. For pre-schoolers, par-ents can read the text and explain the concepts (this is all-import-ant) while the children followthe story through the pictures. Olderkids can read and enjoy the book on their own.Lion Sageisa complete reworking of the bookMysticMouse,which SatguruSivaya Subramuniyaswami wrote in the 1980s.Considering the needs of a child,he chose selectionsfrom hismetaphysical bookMerging with Sivatopresent core conceptssuch as understanding one’s mind, how to meditate, using will-power,living in the eternal now, dealing with karma,letting go ofattachments, worshiping God and, most importantly, identifying oneself as an immortal soul. Lion Sagecan be studied byyoung ones in a numberof ways,depending on their age and skill in English. For the youngest, itcan be used asa coloring book; for thispurpose,a black-and-whiteSatguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami163rd Jagadacharya of the Nandinatha Sampradaya’s Kailasa ParamparaGuru Mahasannidhanam of Kauai Aadheenam, Hawaii, USAhimalayan academy