Above is the San Marga Iraivan Temple with the long-extinct volcano, Mount Waialeale, in the background. It was here, at Kauai Aadheenam, Siva’s Hawaiian home, that this book was conceived, designed and written. religion, that religious learning is a distraction from all-import-ant academic studies, orthat it is not the parents’ place to teachit to them. In fact,the study of Saivite Hinduism as presentedin these charming episodes will empowertheirstudies; and inmanycases, the parent is the onlyteacherof this wisdom.Take an interest in yourchild’s enjoyment of Lion Sagebyreading all the lessons aloud together. Considerthis an educationof your child’s intellect, bestowing essential knowledge that isin harmonywith his orhersoul intelligence, a spiritual trainingto confi dently, competently face the challenges of life. As Lion Sage might say, “Are you ready?”rushes to burden them with.Andyou are endowingthem withthe basic wisdom of Saiva Siddhanta, the profound spiritual path of South India that Gurudeva enbraced and lived. And, whoknows,maybe you are inspiring yourself a little in the process. No doubtyou, as parentorteacher, willbe calledupon to answermany questions, to elucidate some of the more obscure concepts. You can also add your own insights and stories for the child. Your anecdotes aboutthe eternalnow, oraboutthe importance of let-ting go will be an essential part of the story of the mouse and the lion.Bethelionwhencalleduponto bringclarityto theadventure.Youmay hear that it isnot important for children tostudypieter weltevredehimalayan academy