Life Skills for Hindu Teens

imagesFinally, a Fair and Accurate Presentation of Hindu History for Children §

A 128-page sixth-grade social studies course from the editors of HINDUISM TODAY§


HINDUISM TODAY’S Hindu history book is both correct and authentic, and definitely better than I have seen in any school textbook. If each Hindu were to learn and remember this narrative, the Hindu community would be better off in this increasingly pluralistic society.§

Shiva G. Bajpai, Professor Emeritus, California State University Northridge§


While no book can possibly encompass fully the breadth, complexity and plurality of Hindu practice and belief, the Hindu American Foundation finds that this work compromises little in describing the universal ideals of Hinduism that have emerged from its wondrous diversity. §

Hindu American Foundation, USA§


This presentation provides a needed counterbalance to textbooks on Hinduism which are sometimes inaccurate or fail to give a perspective that would be recognizable to most Hindus. Though designed for sixth-graders, I could imagine myself recommending these sections as review material for my college students.§

Jeffery D. Long, Ph.D, Chair, Department of Religious Studies, Elizabethtown College, PA, USA§

Hardcover, ISBN 978-1-934145-38-8,
$19.95 (quantity discounts available)
Available in popular e-book formats.

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