Discussion Questions§
Amrita uses the technique of Ganga Sadhana to overcome the grief caused by the death of her puppy. The loss of a pet, the moving away of a friend, or getting a poor mark on a test can all be traumatic experiences, especially for youth who have just begun to experience mature emotional issues. Ganga Sadhana is one among several Hindu techniques which help with emotional healing. §
- Why was it easier for the parents to accept the puppy’s death than for Amrita? Do you think it’s always true that the older you are, the easier it is to face such things?
- Do you have pets or other responsibilities where you are the main caregiver? Explain.
- There was a foreshadowing at the beginning. Did you catch it? How might foreshadowing ruin a story?
- What loss has life brought to you? How well did you deal with it?
- Why did Mom and Amrita do Ganga Sadhana more than once? How could one tell when such a practice had been done enough?
- Why did her parents let Amrita stay home from school? Have you ever been allowed to stay home for a similar situation?
- What is the difference between temporary grief and serious depression? Do you agree with Mom’s statement: “Sometimes there are just no good answers.” Was that a useful answer to Dad’s doubts? Why or why not?
- In your opinion, which is more important, the leaf or the flower?
- What are two ways the river helped Amrita resolve her grief? Can you list more?