Lemurian Scrolls


Guru and Disciple

गुरुः शिष्यश्च

Chapter 18

223 ¶Though our planet now is divided by a great mass of matter that has condensed from the atmosphere and now sits turbulently on the Earth, hitting the Earth where it touches, we are told of another culture forming and changing quite rapidly on the other side of the planet and that Śaivism is becoming different according to the nature of these tribes and what they are now facing. Since we are on the side of the planet where most of the strongest Lemurian temples existed, our culture is more similar to the Lemurians than theirs is who live on the other side of the planet.§

Reorientation Of a Guru’s Monastics§

224 ¶Our gurus, of which there are many, have many monasteries, and when one of them lets his physical body down because he needs it no more, his monastics close their monasteries, take them completely apart and take down the wall, leaving the darshan to hover on the great lake that they installed. All work on this—even the surrounding population of the monastery—and then the monastics move into the monasteries of another guru or gurus, dividing themselves up into small numbers. They seek entrance by their wall. They seek admittance as beginning sādhakas, and when they are admitted, they are always beginning sādhakas and can never be initiates, even though they may have been initiates in their guru’s monastery, because initiation is the seeing of one’s guru in his resplendent form while looking at his physical body, and then the knowledge which is the guru enters the disciple. This can, of course, only occur with one’s own guru, so in their entering the monastery of another guru, they do so only as servants and take a most humble position to live out their destiny in the physical form. Proportionately, they bring to the monastery some of the devas of the inner order, and they become servants to the devas there who hover around the presiding guru of that monastery.§

The Guru Overseers Of Śaivism§

225 ¶Proportionate to the population, gurus do appear, and proportionate to the number of monasteries one guru is able to manage with his transcendental powers. This is arranged by the band of gurus themselves in the Second World as they govern Śaivism in our land. Our prophets say that in the Kali Yuga, this band of gurus will divide itself into smaller groups, as the Earth will be divided into smaller groups due to this condensation of our atmosphere into solid mass which we cannot cross over.§

The Guru’s Power§

226 ¶In working within the monastery, one law presided over all others, and that is the strictest obedience to the guru. This was called, “Working with the power of the guru.” His direction and the force he gives along with the direction must be captured, and in being captured, the direction is accomplished with ease. Our greatest initiates were those who were able to capture and use the power that accompanied the direction the guru gave. Even the Second World devas worked in this way with the guru. Those who could not capture the force and move immediately with their guru were considered simple servants of a beginning nature and performed the day-to-day mundane functions. One who captured the power of any direction given to him and performed it in immediate obedience to fulfill the mission bestowed on him and then after a while ceased to fulfill this function and work with the direction given long after the power had waned was awarded strong tapas without explanation from his guru, and he had problems within himself finding his guru; and when he found his guru within himself again, another mission would be bestowed upon him, and if he captured the power of it, his tapas would have been ended. It is only in this way that the Śaivite guru works and serves and fulfills his mission, for he and he alone knows the preordained pattern that must be woven by all initiates and sādhakas within his monasteries to create a collective force strong enough to send them, as individuals off the planet, when the time is right and their bodies are needed no more, into another galaxy. §

Guru’s Constant Presence§

227 ¶Our gurus constantly moved from place to place. We never knew when they would arrive or when they would be with us. It is almost impossible to feel should they leave. Therefore, each monastery feels the presiding guru is always there, feeds him daily, and all is in readiness to meet his needs. Often, and more than often, he did not make his presence known except to the senior minority group. But occasionally he would give special instructions to the initiates and sādhakas alike, and all activities of the monastery halted to listen, to learn and to receive missions, personal instruction and great blessings, concluded with festivities and celebration.§

The Guru’s Dynamic Presence§

228 ¶Many of these monasteries are so large that the guru can travel through areas of the monastery and be incognito, as the sādhakas had never met him. He would work with them in milking the animals or sitting by the wall, mingling in and through and among them. If those who knew him saw him doing this, they would not call attention to him in any way, but pretend they also did not know him, for it was known that each guru made himself known to a sādhaka or aspirant when his time was right. In one or two of his more senior monasteries, each guru took a prominent position, especially at the monasteries from which the strongest darshan emanated. These monasteries were generally small and more intimate in nature, and their primal function was simply the generating of darshan in disseminating it to all the other monasteries, whereas the other monasteries disseminated the darshan to the population at large.§

Our gurus rarely taught except by instruction that was to be carried out in the strictest obedience and immediate spontaneity. §

Fulfilling Assignments From the Guru§

229 ¶Our gurus rarely taught except by instruction that was to be carried out in the strictest obedience and immediate spontaneity. The teaching came from the devonic world within on the power of the guru that was issued when the instruction, direction or mission was given. It was through this method that we were able to perform many functions in the external mind for the population that surrounds our monasteries, without realizing that we are effectively working within the external area of the mind at all. This we call grasping, owning and working with the power of the guru. Our gurus, basically, only emit this one power to fulfill the mission. It is for us, without putting our personal mental structure in the way of it, to grasp it, to use it and to fulfill the direction of the assignment, for this is why we are in the monastery and this is why the monastery exists at all. §

Disobedience Predicted in The Kali Yuga§

230 ¶Our prophets say there will be times in the Kali Yuga when the mind force will be so dense that the guru will give direction and the monastics will not heed either the direction or the power of it, and turn their monasteries into more ordinary places than those of the population which surrounds them; but at the end of the Kali Yuga this will change and be again as it is now, and that our monastics will appear again, as will our guru be obeyed, the power caught and the mission and direction fulfilled in issuing in the Sat Śiva Yuga, and that Śaivism will flourish ‘round the world.§
