101 ¶The sādhakas in our monasteries were considered by us to be of the utmost importance to our culture. Some came but for a short time to learn to live as we used to when we first arrived on the planet and to learn of the life and culture of the planet whence we came. Their sādhana was only to adjust themselves to the life and to do some kind of service when they were not engaged in reading the manuscripts within our libraries, listening to dissertations given by senior members for their benefit or watching visions projected to them in their meditations as a lasting teaching. These sādhakas are of two fold, some who come to spend a lifetime and others who only plan to stay six moons or more. And so, we consider that during the first six-moon period a sādhaka is with us, after his having sat with our senior group and expressed his desire to stay, having proven his ability to live as we do, he’s allowed to perform a certain mantra. The repetitions of the mantra are performed during his quiet time as he fingers numerous seeds strung together, golden balls or gems cut in a similar way. In chanting the mantra, he perceives the subtle nerve force which each of these many, many beads represents. Thus the nerve system becomes calm and detached from the life he has formerly lived. §
Adjustment In the First Six Moons§
102 ¶We look at a sādhaka in his first six moons more as a newborn child than an adult, for he is adjusting to a new environment both inwardly and outwardly, as well as contacting face-to-face in his dreams and visions our colleagues on the several planets whence we came. A certain area of his mind is more attached to remnants of the animal functions if, in fact, he was a sādhaka inhabiting a body evolved from the animal kingdom. However, all but a few of us on this planet in bodies such as I have, that did not become lost or did not evolve from the animal kingdom, make up the core of our many monasteries on this planet. And occasionally, still, we are able to bring through souls from another planet into an Earth body, constructed from the essence of fruits and flowers, odors, lights and sounds, until it is in manifest form and able to be used. The bodies constructed through the animal kingdom do not last as long as ours. Though some have acquired the ability to fly short distances, they do not lend themselves well in this way. But those inhabiting them can run extremely fast and swim both over the surface of the water and underneath it with great vigor. Our new sādhakas, however, going through the healings of the animal nature are given time to consider well the teachings that they are absorbing in life with us here, for their major task is to bring their mind flow back into the same way that it was when they, too, had a body such as mine. §
The Power Of Those in Original Bodies §
103 ¶Here in the monastery in which I am writing this record is to be found an abundant majority of us in original bodies and a minority inhabiting the animal Earth body. This and this alone creates the positive, powerful force through which cosmic rays are channeled from the planets we came from and the emanations of the Central Sun. This spreads out through us, stabilizing especially all of those struggling with the mutations out of the animal world back into a refined body. §
Novitiates Made to Feel Accepted§
104 ¶During the first six moons, the sādhaka is treated as a newborn child, allowed to learn his mantra and experience his experiences. His coordination and the pressures he is feeling make him conspicuous at times, and he is not allowed to see his family, if he has one, and receives no visitors. When the six moons have expired, if his body is that of animal structure, he has a mother and a father, obviously, and is allowed to see them. But never again does he see or attach himself to former companions while he lives with us. During his first six-moon period, we care for him and give him the best of all that we have. We want him to feel most welcome and accepted, even though he may have been with us, serving in some capacity for a prior time of three or four moons or more, waiting acceptance. Now that he has been accepted, we feel he must feel that total acceptance from us all, in order to absorb the teaching he will hear, to read and comprehend the manuscripts in our libraries, and to dream and remember those dreams projected to him. And so, with loving care, we treat him as a young child during this time of his transition into a monastery of Lemuria. §
The Lemurian sādhakas were valued, as they were the promulgators of the force of the monastery. A stable, well-run Lemurian monastery had potential sādhakas clamoring to enter. §
The Value Of Lemurian Sādhakas§
105 ¶The Lemurian sādhakas were valued, as they were the promulgators of the force of the monastery. A stable, well-run Lemurian monastery had potential sādhakas clamoring to enter. And if a monastery brought more sādhakas into it than it could conveniently hold, this was considered a great boon, as then many of the senior members left our monastery, directed by our guru, to form a new one in an area of his choosing. It was said, “For every one sādhaka who entered the Lemurian monastery, over 200 souls escaped out of the cycle of animal birth.”§
Training According To Lineage§
106 ¶During the first and second circles of the Earth around the Sun, our young sādhakas were educated in a formal way as to our culture and lineage, and their future patterns of life would be explained to them according to their lineage out of the animal kingdom. That is to say, if they emerged back into human birth from cows, buffalos, milk-producing animals, we would have them perform a certain function in the monasteries where they could get along and work most creatively in this chosen area among others of a similar animal lineage. However, if they came from the lineage of the animals that carried people on their backs, still another occupation would be granted them to do. And so, the major areas of activity, creativity and usefulness were cared for in this way, by placing these sādhakas into these various avenues of expression. §
Apprenticeship Begins in the Third Circle§
107 ¶It was in the third circle of our planet around the Sun that he was chosen by a senior member of our community for individual training. This training was given to him as an artisan works day by day with his apprentices. But until he was thus chosen by a senior artisan he was considered by us as young, but a child, and allowed to play in our playground of the mind, experience, learn, absorb, break up previous patterns of his past by establishing new ones simply by being here. It was in the fifth circle, when a certain area of their training was completed, that we rested a great responsibility upon their shoulders, and depended heavily on them to begin to become productive and perhaps train new sādhakas. Prior to this time, they were on the in-breath. The fifth and sixth circles began the out-breath of productivity. §
Training Complete in Circle Four§
108 ¶It was during these first years that they received the training that was to be satisfactory for the rest of their lives. Never again did a training period occur, and upon the effort they put in and the skills they acquired in the area of service they were given to perform in during these first few circles was the pattern indelibly established for the duration of their lifetime. For this was our custom in our monasteries, as our efforts were directed toward the circumference of the people just entering, getting them well established in a lasting pattern that took approximately four circles to bring into being for the duration of their lifetime in the Lemurian monastery. After they were well set in their external patterns, after their sixth year, our devas and Deities would begin working, directing and showing them how to be of deeper service, while they slept at night and during their meditations by day, to all inhabitants on our planet. Many of these things they learned from the devas and Deities and their guru they would write down, starting in their seventh and eighth circles, and these writings made up our libraries that the new sādhaka would study in during his first few circles with us. This training was called secret training and would come according to their abilities and evolution enabling them to receive it. §
Announcing One’s Monastic Age §
109 ¶When a sādhaka first entered the monastery and began his initial period of training, in order for us all to look at him and treat him as a child, we established over a period of time our curious system of Lemurian monastic age: “Two circles of the Moon around the Earth equal one circle of the Earth around the Sun.” The sādhaka would always, upon speaking to any of us, remind us of his age in such a way that we would know our relationship. He would say, “My name is Sādhaka Oomena, and I am six circles old.” Though physically he may be in a body that’s been twenty-two circles on Earth, we would immediately know he had only been in the monastery for one circle and therefore relate to him accordingly and as graciously and helpfully as we could. Each sādhaka would take every opportunity to remind us of his age as it increased, as this is one way he solicited the proper help and assistance from each member of the community. §
When one became still more mature, we depended upon the knowledge he had accrued through his reading and meditation, his training and abilities cultivated out of having been trained as he entered the central hub as a senior member of our core. §
Trained, Mature and Capable§
110 ¶When he was young in Lemurian monastic years, we told him stories and taught him to read our scriptures. When he became older, he learned to read alone. When he became still more mature, we depended upon the knowledge he had accrued through his reading and meditation, his training and abilities cultivated out of having been trained as he entered the central hub as a senior member of our core, one fully capable and able to transmit positive rays from the planets we came here from, and the core of the Central Sun itself, to all inhabitants on this planet, stabilizing their quest for the totality of their Being, the fulfillment of which is the reason they arrived. §
Qualifying To Enter the Central Core§
111 ¶So, the sādhakas received the welcome and the training and, when they so qualified themselves, entered the central core. Some never did quite qualify, due to one reason or another. Most generally, those of a certain animal lineage could not sustain the power of the cosmic rays. Those who were able to sustain this power did so and served in this way. Those who were unable to sustain this power and function as an Earthly channel—one who collected certain cosmic rays, drew them close together and disseminated them evenly throughout the world—performed their function closer to the Earth while pulling their elements together and basking in these rays held tight by the central group of us. §
Monastics Raised From Birth§
112 ¶A sādhaka from birth is one who was born and raised specifically for the monastery. The parents were carefully trained to show absolutely no emotion before or during conception. Therefore, they had little attachment to the child, and if in an animal body he would grow up with less emotion, desires and cravings, and his body would shape close to the original body rather than in any other way. These young ones, prepared for us in this way by these families, were taken into our monasteries at a very early age. §