Lemurian Scrolls

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imageDancing with Śiva

Hinduism’s Contemporary Catechism
Book 1 of The Master Course Trilogy

This remarkable 1,000-page sourcebook covers every subject, answers every question and quenches the thirst of the soul for knowledge of God and the Self. Clearly written and lavishly illustrated, with 600 verses from the Vedas, Āgamas and other holy texts, 165 South Indian paintings, 40 original graphics, a 25-page timeline of India’s history and a superb, 100-plus-page lexicon of English, Sanskrit and Tamil. A spiritual gem and great value at twice the price. “The most comprehensive and sensitive introduction to the living spiritual tradition of Hinduism, …a feast for the heart and the mind” (Georg Feuerstein). Sixth edition, 2003, 7" x 10", full color, case bound (ISBN 0-945497-96-2). $59.95§

imageLiving with Śiva

Hinduism’s Contemporary Culture
Book 2 of The Master Course Trilogy

In the same bold, candid style of Merging with Śiva, Gurudeva focuses here on Hinduism’s twenty restraints and observances that when dynamically applied bring order in life and establish a foundation for spirituality, meditation and realization. He addresses frankly and offers sound advice on the various problematic areas of modern living. The book is conveniently structured in 365 daily lessons disclosing how to approach family, money, relationships, technology, food, worship, yoga and karma to live a truly spiritual life. Beautiful full color art throughout, haṭha yoga and religious dues resources. Second edition, 2001, 1,000 pages, 7" x 10", case bound (ISBN 0-945497-98-9). $59.95§

imageMerging with Śiva

Hinduism’s Contemporary Metaphysics
Book 3 of The Master Course Trilogy

Here is the ultimate text for the really serious seeker. It may well go down in history as the richest and most inspired statement of meditation and God Realization ever, in any language. Yet, it is user-friendly, easy to follow, sensible and nonacademic! Merging with Śiva is 365 daily lessons, one for each day of the year, about the core of your own being. It’s about God, about the mystical realm of the fourteen chakras, the human aura, karma, force fields, thought and the states of mind, the two paths, samādhi, and so much more. The book includes the cream of Gurudeva’s mystical inspired talks, such as “The Self God,” The Clear White Light,” “The River of Life,” “The Power of Affirmation,” “I’m All Right, Right Now,” and “Beginning to Meditate.” Part Four is Gurudeva’s precious collection of Raja Yoga aphorisms on the five states of mind, sexual transmutation and the journey of awareness. Illustrated with over fifty original South Indian paintings. Second edition, 2001, 1,000 pages, 7" x 10", case bound (ISBN 0-945497-99-7). $59.95§

imageLoving Gaṇeśa

Hinduism’s Endearing Elephant-Faced God§

No book about this beloved elephant-faced God is more soul-touching. The Lord of Dharma will come to life for you in this inspired masterpiece. It makes approaching this benevolent Lord easy and inspiring. Learn about Gaṇeśa’s powers, pastimes, mantras, nature, science, forms, sacred symbols, milk-drinking miracle and more. The book is simple, deep and practical, teaching how Gaṇeśa’s grace can be attained by devotion, song, prayer and meditation. “A copy of Loving Gaṇeśa should be placed in every library and Hindu home” (Sri Om Prakash Sharma). “Lord Gaṇeśa comes to life through the pages of this inspired masterpiece” (The Mystic Trader). Second edition, 1999, 576 pages, 5-1/2" x 8-1/2", softcover (ISBN 0-945497-77-6). $29.85.§

Inspiration by E-mail§

Visit himalayanacademy.com/resources/daily_inspiration.shtml to receive via e-mail daily inspiration at no charge. Options include verses from Vedas, Tirukural, Tirumantiram, Hymns of Saint Tayumanavar and the daily lesson from the Master Course Trilogy of Dancing with Śiva, Living with Śiva and Merging with Śiva.§

imageHinduism Today

The International Magazine§

Enjoy a spiritual experience with the foremost international journal on Sanātana Dharma, published by Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and the swāmīs of the Saiva Siddhanta Yoga Order. Breaking news, ancient wisdom, modern trends, world-class photos, family resources, humor—you’ll treasure every issue! For Hindus and non-Hindus alike, it covers the life, experience and ways of faith in renaissance in communities from New Delhi to New York, from Moscow to Durban. “HINDUISM TODAY is a beautiful example of the positive possibility of the media being fulfilled, a bright ray of light in a darkened world” (Anne Shannon, Portland). One-year subscription, four stunning issues, for $35! And yes, Gurudeva founded this global magazine and guided it for 23 years. Visit: www.hinduismtoday.com§

imageYoga’s Forgotten Foundation

Twenty Timeless Keys to Your Divine Destiny§

A must-read for serious yoga practioners and anyone involved with transformative spiritual life, Yoga’s Forgotten Foundation delves into the integrated approach to yoga as taught by the great masters of India. It is a cogent reminder to those who want to start at the end of the spiritual path that there is an essential beginning, the neglect of which portends failure and disappointment. In 224 pages, with full-color Indian art, it explores the traditional foundation of yoga, twenty little-known guidelines on personal ethics, self-control and religious practice, called the yamas and niyamas, excerpted from Living with Śiva. Grounded in a traditional Hindu point of view, yet admirably relevant to us all, the book discusses some of the toughest issues and challenges of modern life, including promiscuity, domestic abuse, child-rearing, overeating, gambling, vegetarianism, violence and pornography—relating them to progress on the yoga path. It also explores essential practices, such as charity, worship, chanting mantras, austerity and scriptural study. 224 pages, full color. First edition, 2004, 5-1/2" x 8-1/2", softcover (ISBN 0945497-91-1). $19.95.§