Gurudeva's Spiritual Visions§

Chapter 12§

Books of Otherworldly Lore

Soon after we had placed the Nataraja Deity, my inner eye, within the ajna chakra, was opened upon an array of great manuscripts, and the inner library of Lord Subramaniam was seen. Upon each wish and fancy, the librarian, a tall, fine, elegantly robed, bearded man, would pull forth from one shelf or another great volumes and with firm hands open and turn the pages to the proper place to be read.§

I read these volumes one after another to the monastics at our monastery after this siddhi was obtained. They asked questions. The books were placed within the inner ether of my mind, the pages turned, read, enjoyed and understood. Thus, Siva’s great diamond-dust-like darshan flooding out opened the inner door of our Lord Subramaniam’s private library, which contains the records accrued since His arrival on this planet. Lord Subramaniam, also known as Murugan, has always been near and dear to us.§

The venue of this remarkable clair­voy­ant happening was the garden restaurant of Coco Palms Hotel on Kauai. These were the days when cigarette smoke billowed forth from elite hotel guests at neighboring tables, clouding the atmosphere and creating an ambiance in which the akashic manuscripts could be clearly seen. The backdrop of Hawaiian music, the hubbub of people talking and the lower vibration of worldly feelings, too, helped screen out the conscious mind to make this clair­voy­ant siddhi a working reality.§


As the librarian presented each volume and turned page after page, I dictated slowly to a sincere monastic scribe, who patiently and accurately wrote down each word.§

On some days reams of pages were turned and read; on other days nothing was seen. Vigilantly, morning after morning, week after week, month after month, we sat waiting, while enjoying fruit, yogurt and coffee, for my inner eye to open on the inner-plane library.§

The restaurant was not in an ordinary location. Our table overlooked tropical ponds amid the island’s largest coconut grove near the ocean on the east side of Kauai, the oldest and northernmost of the Hawaiian archipelago. Each day’s writings, gleaned by my astral vision near the birthstone heiau, where royalty were birthed in olden times, were penned in letter-sized spiral notebooks. Before noon, we returned with them, following the sacred Wailua River four miles inland, to my ashram, now the site of Kadavul Hindu Temple.§

What Subramuniyaswami returned with each day was a new chapter of the Lemurian and Dravidian Shastras, secret and sacred.§

It was a revelation, a divine transmission that unfolded the early history of mankind in remarkable detail, how we came to this Earth two million years ago, the spiritual culture of early man, the mysteries of the kundalini and the Central Sun—focusing on the nature of life within ancient cloistered Saivite monasteries—how we lived in the ages now lost to human history. Much of what was revealed answered a need for traditional principles to effectively guide and govern our monasteries, provide a traditional pattern of Hindu ascetic life and catalyze his monks’ spiritual unfoldment.§

These Shastras, along with the Saivite Shastras, an intimate revelation that a group of devas wrote exclusively for the Saiva Siddhanta Yoga Order, became a spiritual guideline that strengthened their faith and informed every dimension of their existence. The monks thought it a privilege and blessing to be around Gurudeva in those days, as these superconscious revelations poured through him each day, as the wisdom of the ages revealed itself page by page by page. It was, they thought, much like being with the rishis of yore.§


An inner-plane meeting between guru and disciples as described in the Lemurian Shastras. Art by Balinese master I Wayan Marya.§

Now we are starting our inner work in 1974 and I don’t see a thing in front of me on the screen. The devas must be off someplace. They are finishing up their work with some of the students and devotees who visited our ashram on a Ganesha pilgrimage.§

Now I’m beginning to see the glimmering light in the blue akasha, shimmering gold and silver lights reflecting off each other, dancing around in front of my forehead. This is seen with the third eye and I also see feelings, and entanglements, thoughts that have been blocking the vision due to the new guests and retreatants, who are fading into the distance as the shimmering lights take over.§

I have been working for three days now to get into this state, which was wide open for many months in 1973 when the shastric books were seen.§


The devas said in their writings that there were many more books to be read, but once the Saivite Shastras had been completed, Gurudeva found it much more difficult to access the library of Lord Subramaniam on the screen of his inner vision. He struggled, in the face of external distractions, to keep this inner world open to him.§

While Gurudeva’s mystic explorations never stopped, they changed dramatically at this point. Rather than clair­voy­ant­ly reading akashic books, he communicated clair­au­di­ent­ly with three or four great devas to receive their advice and insights on current affairs that concerned him.§

The devas’ communications to Gurudeva were vast and varied, from lofty dissertations on temple mysticism to earthy insights into the karmas of the newest monastic candidate.§