Gurudeva's Spiritual Visions§

Chapter 10§

The Snake at the Top

A sannyasin of attainment has had many, many lifetimes of accumulating this power of kundalini to break that seal at the door of Brahman. Here is a key factor. Once it is broken, it never mends. Once it is gone, it’s gone.§

Then the kundalini will come back—and this gives you a choice between upadeshi and nirvani—and coil in the sva­dhish­thana, mani­pura, ana­hata, wherever it finds a re­cep­tive chakra, where consciousness has been developed, wherever it is warm. A great intellect or a siddha who finds the Self might return to the center of cognition; another might return to the manipura chakra. The ultimate is to have the kundalini coiled in the sahasrara.§


During the late 1960s Gurudeva had many psychic awakenings, including the experience of seeing, with his third eye, the kundalini coiled at the top of his head.§

I personally didn’t manage that until 1968 or ’69 when I had a series of powerful experiences of kundalini in the sahasrara. It took twenty years of constant daily practice of tough sadhanas and tapas.§

I was told early on that much of the beginning training was had in a previous life and that is why, with the realization in this life, I would be able to sustain all that has manifested around me and within me as the years passed by.§

Results of sadhanas came to me with a lot of concentrated effort, to be sure, but it was not difficult—and that is what makes me think that previous results were being rekindled.§


Gurudeva blesses devotees after an upadesha in a small shrine in Sri Lanka.§


A spontaneous class at the ancient Parthenon, Athens, Greece, 1969.§