Dancing with Śiva




imageHERE IS NO COMING. THERE IS NO GOING. YOU AND I ARE EVER ONE. REMAIN SILENT AND KNOW THE SELF WITHIN. “YOU WON’T FIND IT IN BOOKS. YOU WILL FIND IT DEEP WITHIN YOURSELF,” MY SATGURU SAID. SO, DANCING WITH ŚIVA IS A SIGNPOST TO POINT THE WAY. It is a map to give direction. And it is a daily sādhana, reading one śloka a day, at night just before sleep, to remold the subconscious memory patterns of the base subjective mind into a brand new you. The wisdom of the Vedas will be yours when the old saṁskāras no longer fight with the new. The old impressions of how you were raised, whom and what you were taught to like and dislike will be erased by the eternal wisdom of the Vedas and Āgamas, amplified by the explanations above the verses in each of these daily lessons. All this will bring you new life and new hope. It will bring you solace, contentment and a deep, inner, growing knowledge of the creation of this universe, its preservation and dissolution. It will show you that, yes, you are the center of the universe, the Self, the infinite and supreme Paraśiva. With this goal well in mind, you will persist in working out the patterns of the past, living in the eternal present while being selective in the new patterns you create in the future. As you dance with Śiva from life to life, live with Śiva from life to life, and slowly merge with Śiva, you yourself will fulfill from within yourself the proclamations of the ṛishis who spoke forth the Vedas, the oldest scripture on our planet. You yourself will find, follow and in joyous discovery fulfill the path which all knowers of God tread. Aum Namaḥ Śivāya! The Atharva Veda (Muṇḍaka Upanishad 2.1.4 EH) tells us: §

Fire is His head, the sun and moon His eyes, space His ears, the Vedas His speech, the wind His breath, the universe His heart. From His feet the Earth has originated. Verily, He is the inner Self of all beings.§