Dancing with Śiva


Drug Culture

“Drug culture” refers to the fluid ideas and unrestrained way of life developed in Western societies during the 1960s. Its adherents embrace a lifestyle based on the use of various natural and man-made drugs, such as marijuana, hashish, peyote, mescaline, cocaine, LSD and chemical designer drugs.§

  1. I believe that one can achieve the ultimate goal of enlightenment, as understood by any religion, through the use of drugs.
  2. I believe that the psychedelic drug experience, properly handled, fulfills the role of a spiritual teacher or guru.
  3. I believe that drugs give mystical experiences of various types identical to and therefore equally as valid as those achieved through yoga, penance, grace, etc.
  4. I believe that the knowledge gained on drugs is more valid than the traditional knowledge given by society or religion because it is direct, personal experience of a higher order.
  5. I believe that people who take drugs are more “aware” or “enlightened” than those who do not.
  6. I believe that one can solve his personal psychological problems or “hangups” by taking drugs.
  7. I believe in living simply, close to nature and in harmony with others and that sexual relationships need not be restricted by the traditional morals imposed by society.
  8. I believe that the ideal life is to completely drop out of society, becoming self-sufficient and associating with others of a like mind, and that those who do not drop out of society but continue to involve themselves in mundane materialism are living in a lower consciousness.
  9. I believe that the meaning of life is found in intense self-revelatory experiences, which can be attained through drugs that open the doors of perception to higher consciousness.