A Character Building Workbook


Read here—bit.ly/wise64—a story about Usha, who has a vision of Lord Ganesha as a toddler but loses her faith as a teenager, and how Mom’s wise request for guidance from Lord Ganesha protects her daughter from potential harm.§

Wisdom is holding a enlightened perspective. This is cultivated through living well, reading, reflecting deeply, talking to the wise and accessing intuition. The opposite is foolishness.§

Comparing the actions of one who is wise to one who is foolish§




Confronted with conflicting views on global warming, you…§

read the opinions of experts, examine both sides and come to a solid conclusion of your own.§

accept the official opinion of your political party without confirming the science.§

Faced with job hunting the day after college, you…§

talk to five successful people in your field to learn from their experience firsthand.§

go to a psychic who uses Tarot cards to determine the direction of your new career.§

Told by a doctor that you have a mortal disease, you…§

spend days meditating on your life and how you will face death in the months ahead.§

call your best friends over for an all-night party, enjoying the oblivion of it all.§

Gurudeva explained: “The spiritual intellect described herein is none other than wisdom, or a “wise dome,” if you will. Wisdom is the timely application of knowledge, not merely the opinions of others, but knowledge gained through deep observation.”§

“…wisdom is the cumulative knowledge of the existing divine laws of reincarnation, karma, dharma and the all-pervasiveness and sacredness of things, blended together within the psyche, the very soul, of the Hindu.”§

“Wisdom, which is the timely application of knowledge, guides truthfulness for the adult. To attain wisdom, the adult must be conversant with the soul nature.”§


ASSIGNMENT: During these two weeks, take extra effort to find the depth of experiences around you, thinking more deeply than usual about matters and responding to others with your most balanced and relevant thoughts.§

Date you began this assignment ____________________§


