Sharing means giving to others a portion of what one has or receives. I cultivate it by not keeping everything for myself, but including others in the enjoyment of my gifts and possessions. The opposite is hoarding.§
Comparing the actions of one who is sharing to one who hoards§ |
Situation§ |
Sharing§ |
Hoarding§ |
When you receive a small bequest from a grandfather who passed away, you…§ |
give a portion to God before spending any.§ |
keep it all and purchase new things you have wanted for a long time.§ |
When mother hands you a plate of fresh cookies she made, you…§ |
go around the house, giving a few to everyone so all can enjoy the treat.§ |
take the sweets to your room, where you can munch on them all day when you get hungry.§ |
When a long-time friend visits and admires your collection of roses, you…§ |
get a small shovel from the garden shed and dig up the one she admired the most.§ |
tell yourself the roses were so hard to acquire it would be a shame to start giving them away.§ |
Gurudeva explained: “Charity is selfless concern and caring for our fellow man. It is generous giving without thought of reward, always sharing and never hoarding. We cultivate charity through giving to the hungry, the sick, the homeless, the elderly and the unfortunate.”§
“What is help anyway, but man sharing with man? Who is the helper and who is the one who is helped?”§
ASSIGNMENT: For the next two weeks, focus on opportunities to practice the art of sharing. Give to others whenever you get the chance, trusting you will always have enough.§
Date you began this assignment ____________________§