A Character Building Workbook


Read here—bit.ly/remorse48—how two friends, Nilakantha and Rohit, steal a bike one day, a theft that has profound consequences. When their crime is discovered, one shows deep remorse and the other is only sorry they were caught.§

Remorse is mental distress arising from regret for a past misdeed. I strengthen it by always apologizing when I misbehave or hurt others, even inadvertently, with my words or actions. The opposite is impenitence.§

Comparing the actions of one who is remorseful to one who is impenitent§




You get caught stealing lipstick from a local store, and…§

realizing your choice was wrong, regret the act deeply.§

don’t see the big deal, but are sorry you got caught.§

After arguing with your little brother and calling him lame, you…§

realize your words hurt him, apologize and play his favorite game with him.§

have no sense of wrongdoing, rather feeling he deserved what he got.§

You go to a party against the family’s wishes and without their knowledge, and you…§

feel rotten the next day, confess to Mom and Dad and tell them you are sorry.§

keep the little transgression to yourself, hoping no one finds out or squeals.§

Gurudeva explained: “Hri, the first of the ten niyamas, or practices, is remorse: being modest and showing shame for misdeeds, seeking the guru’s grace to be released from sorrows through the understanding that he gives, based on the ancient sampradaya, doctrinal lineage, he preaches.”§

“Often people think that showing shame and modesty and remorse for misdeeds is simply hanging your head. Well, really, anyone can do this, but it’s not genuine if the head is not pulled down by the tightening of the strings of the heart, if shame is not felt so deeply that one cannot look another in the eye. When the hanging of the head is genuine, everyone will know it and seek to lift you up out of the predicament.”§


ASSIGNMENT: During these two weeks, if memories of a past misdeed pop up and make you feel remorseful, figure out a way to apologize and make amends for the action.§

Date you began this assignment ____________________§


