A Character Building Workbook


Read here—bit.ly/forgiving24—of how Ramya is emotionally crushed when her girlfriends reject her from their long-time clique. She learns to use journaling to get over her hurt feelings and find it in her heart to understand and forgive them.§

Forgiveness means pardoning injuries or offenses. I practice forgiveness when I pardon, accept or overlook the offences, mistakes or faults of others. The opposite is mercilessness.§

Comparing the actions of one who is forgiving to one who is merciless§




When a coworker insults you in front of your staff, you…§

remember her dog just died and allow her this outburst.§

hold a grudge and wait for the first opportunity to put her down.§

When a neighbor runs over your spring garden plantings, you…§

accept her apology and even share some of your roses for her garden.§

insist that she take responsibility by paying for the damages.§

When a business partner embezzles a large sum of money, you…§

realize you are the ultimate cause, as you believe in the law of karma.§

take him to court, demanding the harshest punishment possible.§

Gurudeva explained: “If others harm you in thought, word or deed, do not resent it. Rather, let it awaken compassion, kindness and forgiveness. Use it as a mirror to view your own frailties; then work diligently to bring your own thoughts, words and deeds into line with Hindu Dharma.”§

“Forgiving others is good for your health.”§

“We must begin the healing by first forgiving ourselves, by claiming our spiritual heritage, gaining a new image of ourselves as a beautiful, shining soul of radiant light. Then we can look at the world through the eyes of Hindu dharma.”§


ASSIGNMENT: These two weeks, watch for times that someone offends you and make it your first response to inwardly thank the person for being the instrument of your own karma, helping you face a force that you set in motion in the past.§

Date you began this assignment ____________________§


