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Guests visiting from Chennai, India

Karthik Ramani, a professor of engineering at Purdue University, came to Oahu for a conference. He planned a day off to visit Kauai Aadheenam, bringing his parents, Mrs Vidya Ramani and Dr Ramani, of Chennai. They were thrilled to have the opportunity to visit Kauai Aadheenam, having heard so much about the Hindu Temple in Hawaii from their son and daughter-in-law. They're also regular readers of Hinduism Today. Karthik and his wife, Sujata, had come to Kauai 2 years ago and had a very informative guided tour with Sadhaka Satyanatha.

Karthik's mother, Vidya, is very fond of gardening and had her own nursery in Chennai filled with several varieties of plants and flowers. She enjoyed touring the botanical garden on the temple grounds.

After an extensive tour of Iraivan Temple and San Marga, the family met with the editors of Hinduism Today. Managing editor, Arumugaswami discusses a Sanskrit translation project in the works with Dr. Ramani. Dr. Ramani is a retired professor of Engineering and was head of the department at the University associated with the Kanchipuram Puram Mutt and the Shankaracharya, Shri Chandrashekarendra Saraswati.

Palaniswami shares the fund raising plans for Iraivan Temple. Dr. Ramani knows Iraivan Architect, Ganapati Sthapati and the artist who's work is featured on the cover of Gurudeva's trilogy, Dancing with Siva, Living with Siva and Merging with Siva, S. Rajam of Chennai.

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