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Gurudeva in his office some years back with a new kitten. Our feline family are important assets to the aadheenam and Gurudeva also used the cats as a “tool” to assign one to a young monk whose duty it would be then to care for the cat for the duration of that cat’s life. It was both a test to see if the young monk had nurturing qualities and also an opportunity to train him to develop those qualities.

NOTE: Last day of phase…this is Sun Six and this TAKA will remain up until the evening of Wednesday, the 19th.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

Special Announcement!
Click here to see the entire text and color artwork of “How to Become a Hindu”
— Gurudeva’s landmark book on ethical conversion to Hinduism.

Acharya Kumarswami meets with Bodhinatha to discuss a project. As with Gurudeva before him, the monks always seek to work closely with the Guru Maha Sannidhanam of the monastery, getting guidance and direction for the various mission activities at hand.

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Today was tour day and we had a small group of bright souls who came to see the monastery land and temple.

Mrs. Carol Kahn, long time student of Gurudeva’s teachings came to visit and brought her niece Dara who is a marketing major studying at Santa Cruz, California. They were enthused to learn about the up-and-coming article in Hinduism Today on the issues of corporal punishment and inspired to hear more about Gurudeva’s global mission efforts to end corporal punishment of children the world over.

Paramacharya Ceyonswami takes a brief moment early in the morning to absorb the awesome view of Mount Waialeale. Many have experienced a powerful psychic ray of energy that runs down the middle of this mountain into the Earth. The “Lemurian Shastras” speak of how these actinic spiritual rays give a stability to the mass consciousness and were hooked into the planet at various locations many thousands of years ago. The early Hawaiians recognized the sanctity of the mountain and built a small shrine on the peak and pilgrimaged to the top every full moon.

The Remarkable Vision
Join this historic undertaking. Please contribute generously. Sponsor a stone today!

Monthly Report
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Iraivan Wonders

Please give generously to the Iraivan Temple project. Consider that you will be part of putting a monument on earth that will be a citadel, a beacon, an anchor for Hindu dharma for a 1000 years or more into the future. Sponsor a stone, make a monthly pledge or a one-time donation today!

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our next Innersearch Travel-Study program will be held right here on the island of Kauai in the summer of 2002. It’s the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we will enjoy daily classes with the swamis, join in the annual Guru Purnima festival, be inspired by local culture, explore the lush tropical island in exciting and non-touristy ways, and more. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with meditations, seminars and sacred ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Many have applied already, and there is a limit of 50 participants, so we recommend everyone apply as soon as possible. Interested? Please request an application from

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Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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