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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

The Selvanathan family’s last day at the Aadheenam. They meet with Bodhinatha.

Below you can see a video of yesterday’s stone lift.


A man in Sri Lanka performs an interesting seva. He creates Nandi flags and distributes these for free. It is his way of promoting our venerable Saiva faith and tradition. Thondunathan presents Bodhinatha with one of these flags.

Today was Chitra puja. The powerful, penetrating puja to Gurudeva was performed.

There is always a deep sense of love that permeates the room.

Bodhinatha and some of the monks chant Sri Rudram.

The picture in the “light box” of Gurudeva is him standing like a regal Aadheenam Kartar on the streets of India.

His legacy is vast and flows like a mighty river through world. Here is one testimony. He often talked of “study groups” that would pop up here and there to discuss Hinduism Today. Vivek Iyer from Minnesota recently sent this note to the web master:

“I don’t think any words can do justice to your most noble cause and values. I have never seen such a transparent and spiritual site as yours. I was brought up thinking of Hinduism as a series of rituals. On reading your book “What is Hinduism?” I was introduced to this wonderfully and beautifully written text about Hinduism. We have regular temple sessions called “Hindu Chintan Kendra” and are using your book to promote understanding of our faith. Each week one member of the group reads a chapter (in sequence) and explains the chapter to the rest of the group. We then have a free flowing conversation about different spiritual and practical questions as they come up. I feel truely enlightened at the end of each discussion. We are now up to Chapter 22.” Vivek Iyer….

Jai Gurudeva!

Darma Satgunasingam met with Sivakatirswami yesterday to talk about helping with our web initiatives.

A space just opened up on our 2008 Asian Odyssey for 1 person (a male to share a double occupancy room with another male). Here’s your chance to join Bodhinatha on this exotic adventure. A journey through ancient temples in Cambodia, mystical classes on meditation in Langkawi and Kerala, a devotionally drenched Thaipusam festival that is out of this world and a journey through south India to some of the most sacred temples in the world, joining in some of their grand sacred pujas.

If you are ready to go, please email Sadhaka Dandapani ( or call him on 808-822-3012, Ext 239. It’s on a first come first serve basis so don’t hesitate.

Check out the grand journey at the Innersearch Site

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