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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We begin a new phase today. Bodhinatha (shown here in Sydney, Australia, during the 2006 Innersearch) departed for San Diego this morning after our regular morning homa. We don’t have photos from the homa, but Bodhinatha spoke on the subconscious mind, and how Gurudeva taught us to change the form of the subsconscious through vasana daha tantra and positive affirmation.

All is quiet at home, so we take this opportunity to bring some news and fun from the mainland….

Our members in California have organized a big Autumn Bazaar to fund raise for Iraivan which will be held in Davis California on October 27th. Don’t miss it if you can! Below is Sundari Katir with the Mayor of Davis, Susan Greenwald, at Sundari’s home, giveng the Mayor a practice trial run of lighting the ceremonial lamp which the Mayor will do to open the event.

Another big attraction at the event will be the clowns from Canada. The Burke Family have been students of Gurudeva’s teachings for 30 years and Jennifer Burke and her son Aubrey will be coming down from Vancouver as a “gift” to Iraivan to grace the Autumn Bazaar with joy and happiness.

Here is Jennifer “Flossing the Mind” (smile)

And “Namaste”

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