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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

For those Satguru Speaks watchers, we are fast closing in on catching up all of Bodhinatha discourses given to date. Stay tuned to the right side bar. We will posting new talks as soon as transcriptions arrive from our dedicated team of transcribers.

While most our Sivaratri pilgrims have returned home, we still have steady stream of visitors.

Today’s lunch news was from the Ekadanta Kulam and Saravananathaswami send us this brief list of his multifarious activities:

Sent more CD’s of Bodhinatha’s Talk on Yogaswami to Toronto for the Tamils there to hear on Yogaswami’ Maha Samadhi day.
Worked on the San Marga newsletter
Set up a wiki page where the monks and our hosts can log in name of pilgrims, tour groups in advance on a simple calendar.
Processed five more Innersearch applications
Remote logistic communications with Malaysia Kulapatis and Aravindraj about July seminar; mailing the flyer; discussions with Bodhinatha about Iraivan slideshow during seminar break
Sending Yogaswami Mahasamadhi talk in text form to various Tamil communities.
Planning for Siva Vision Day morning puja
May study retreat planning.

A side note on the related area of Master Course studies. Many of you know about the Master Course on the web and by email. And there is the option to become a “registered” Master Course student… which is just to indicate that you are regularly reading the lessons on line and you want to have your name on our mailing lists here at the Aadheenam. There is a steady rise in these registrations and in the last 24 hours we received five of them. They are coming from internet readers all over the world, with a large group in India.

A lady in Oregon writes:

“I love the lessons! They have helped me to understand how things work in our inner space and in the cosmos. I have come to know first-hand the Unity of All that I have longed for.”

Some news for future additions to Iraivan came today when we received by e-mail these photos of plaster sculptures from India. They are from our master architect who is creating four Agamic murthis which will be placed on the Iraivan Temple tower, one facing in each of the four directions.

These are made of soft plaster, in full size, which is 30 inches tall. Once blessings are received from the Aadheenam, the carvers will create an exact duplicate in white granite.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo sends us photos of the ongoing renovations at our center in Mauritius…

A lot of progress is being made on the bridge.

Our carpenter team on the job.

The small Ganesha Mandapam…

Damage caused by termites to the two main pillars at the front of Ganesha Mandapam need to be replaced.

These are newly imported treated poles.

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