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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha joined other board members of the Kauai Aloha Endowment during the retreat to make a $10,000.00 grant to Na ‘Āina Kai Botanical Garden-Kauai. More about that below.

Meanwhile today was another beautiful day on Kauai (temp. high 70’s).

Here are Milin and Bijal Shah from Atlanta with 1-year-old daughter Aryana resting high above the Nani Kaua Pond and waterfalls. One can see Mt. Waialeale in the background and to the right the Iraivan Temple.

This is their first visit and they were overjoyed that a Hindu Temple such as Iraivan is being built here on Kauai.

They were also very happy to know that the Aadheenam has produced such comprehensive books on the Hindu Religion for Hindu children and their families living in the West.

Back to the retreat. Na ‘Āina Kai Botanical Garden-Kauai is a huge estate, beautifully from the ocean shores to inland hills, landscaped with numerous amazing outdoor exhibitions. It is the work of Joyce and Ed Doty who retired to Kauai to create this amazing place. You could pack a lunch and spend a whole day here.

The exhibit is a huge outdoor replica of a “slice” of the island, like a pie piece from the top of the mountain to the sea. The Hawaiian kings would divide the islands like this to allow each community to have a equal share of all the environments from the shores to the mountains.

Marvelous bronze statues have been created and placed among native plants. Here a Hawaiian women is working in a sweet-potatoe patch.

This is Kuamo’o tending a taro patch.

The exhibit is meant to serve as a permanent visible reminder of Hawaiian culture and for this reason was deemed worthy of a grant from Kauai Aloha Endowment. Normally entry into Na ‘Āina Kai requires a paid ticket, but educational visits by school children will be free.

Hawaiian Village structures.

A large outdoor mural of the Hawaiian life.

A young Hawaiian man works on a fishing line.

Tending a baby.

The full life-size statues are exquisitely crafted.

Dwarf Bananas… only three feet tall.

These fish in the pond are artificial, an never move.

It is a very low maintenance fish pond!

Visitors can climb up to this view point to see the whole expansive exhibition. If you are ever on Kauai, a visit to Na ‘Āina Kai Botanical Garden-Kauai is a must!

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