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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

This is Bodhinatha with a pilgrim who was here last week. Lakshmi Kanthareddy.

We step back to yesterday, which was another busy tour day…

On a special visit to the Hindu temple, here are the 3rd grade children from the Kula School with their teacher “Ben.” The Kula school is located on the North Shore on the Island of Kauai.

After attending the 6 a.m. Jayanti ceremony in memory of Gurudeva, Divyaprabha Patel and the entire Raval family were taken on a tour of the Iraivan Temple. This was their “happiest and most spiritually fulfilling day” of their visit to Kauai.

Puna Kalama Dawson, a wonderful local Hawaiian lady, arrived with her family, including a new baby grandson, “Meha” and many of her friends from the Mainland and Japan.

Puna, showing off the new baby, with her son, his wife and child.

This is Kamil Bigda, young man from Poland who is interested in monastic life.

Kamil says he’s been reading and studying about Hinduism, yoga and meditation from his early teens when in Poland, he discovered the Sanatana Dharma on the internet and told us this morning: “I never stopped searching and reading since then.”

His family moved to Chicago and Kamil continued his study and discovered Gurudeva’s teachings on the internet. He was so enthralled that he moved to Hawaii and got a job in Honolulu with an airline, just to be near the temple.

Kamil has come to Hawaii with his mother’s blessings and he’s quite serious about spiritual life. We invited him over for a whirlwind introduction to monastic life on this Saturday-Sunday weekend off from work.

We bring you a lovely slide show of the South and West side of Kauai. Captions of this monastic outing on our three-day retreat are written by Teja, Scott Falzone.


Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

We share a few more photos of Pancha Ganapati celebrations in Mauritius held on December 23. The youth are busy blowing up balloons for decorations.

This is Hariharan, the youngest child of the Appavoo family. The Appavoos are regular supporters of the Spiritual Park and all their children are attending the Saturday Saivite Hindu Religion Class at the Park.

Time for certificates of completion of the SHR series. Brahmachari Vel offering one to Dayananda.

Moorghen Caremben a devotee is invited to offer another…

Mr. Samoo Pillay is happy to come forward to offer the certificate to Bijamati

Yudananda Munian…. to Iraivan

Roshan Nathoo and Ariadassy

And now the Pancha Ganapati gifts are handed out to all …Anandi offers one to Jambalini

Mrs. Priya, one of our festival sponsors, to Giradevi.

Kulamata Amooda to Sivarathna

Kenina , one of our Master Course students….

Mr. Jagapa to Padmini

Selvaraj Sanjeevee to Rudrapriya

Everyone enjoyed a nice lunch in the shade near the bridge

Mr. Samoo Pillay and his two sons

The Jagapa family from Amiti & eacute;……

Mr. Jegadissa Chenganna, a close friend of the Spiritual Park.

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