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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We begin a new, short 4-day phase with homa and Bodhinatha’s talk. He’s looking very bright today!

Sun One News from the kulams:

Lambodara Kulam reports that fund raising is going well. Paramacharya Ceyonswami has been busy doing astrology for several devotees.

Saravananathaswami reported on his work, much of which is advance planning for future trips and even working a year ahead on next year’s donor appreciation events in California. Bodhinatha is re-instituting an old Academy Program in California with a two-day retreat and study program next year in May in California. Years ago we held such programs every few months.

Sun one morning homa

Yogi Japendranatha conducting the homa

Yogi Jivanandanatha assisting

Bodhinatha’s morning talk was about the world. He explained how one must regard the world as “real” because the fulfillment of dharma in the world is one requirement for moksha. Sometimes, he said, people start to regard the world as “unreal” and then think they don’t have to deal with it, when, in fact, they do.

San Diego Retrospective

We step back in time today from the archives of photos sent during Bodhinatha recent mission to California. From the lens of Surendra Prakash, we bring this series from the South California Donor Appreciation Event.

We are not sure we have the exact order of events but, you will get the picture.

Here Bodhinatha arrives at the venue and is greeted by the devotees.

Opening the event with arati to Lord Ganesha

Our members in San Diego did a marvelous job with all the logistics for the event.

Bodhinatha had several birthday parties over the course of the trip, plus one when he got home.

Bodhinatha’s Keynote digital presentations are always interesting.

This year he added educational content which was much appreciated.

Part of his presentation is a “travel log” showing where he has been this past year.

Saravananathaswami gave a presentation on the activities of Kauai Aadheenam.

Kulapati Deva Rajan is honored for all his work on Iraivan temple.

Deva explains about the unique foundation of Iraivan and the use of fly ash which has created a major change in the concrete industry.

Dining together and getting to meet our Iraivan temple supporters in person is always joy.

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