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News from New Zealand

Bodhinatha in the Mountains of New Zealand… Our Innersearch photo series continues below. AS of today the program is officially over…

A report for the 19th (actually yesterday in New Zealand):

“This was the last day of the Innersearch, a half day actually, ending about noon. The grand finale event was a breakfast gathering at Waitakere Estate, which seemed to be a mansion converted into a hotel, with excellent gardens. It is outside the city, on a hill overlooking the city in a rainforest. Quite a view, putting awareness in the mountaintop perspective of life. A perfect choice for the final event.

The highlight of the gathering was the giving of individual testimonies as to what each person got out of the Innersearch.

The group gave Bodhinatha a gift: one of the new Mac Portables which are renamed MacBook Pro.

In the evening we had a donor reception gathering with about one hundred in attendance. They really enjoyed the Iraivan movie. Some gave spontaneous donations and there was much interest in pilgrimaging to the Aadheenam. It was interesting that the pilgrimage countries mentioned by Gurudeva in the video included New Zealand.”

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Our team of silpis at work under the banyan tree near Kadavul Temple, with the Six-Faced image of Lord Murugan….

Much discussion on placement and preparations of the peedam.

Laying out the site. The Murthi is quite tall but it’s base is relatively small, as the whole statue was carved from a single stone.

So careful attention is needed to make sure the base is really secure.

Last days of Innersearch Continued

Jan 16th: This morning we left Te Anau after 4 nights there for Queenstown. Needless to say it was another breathtaking drive for a little over 2 hours.

Some thoughts from the Te Anau retreat:

“Today, Sunday, is our final day in Te Anau, this extraordinary and quite remote part of New Zealand. We have been blessed by perfect weather, just as we were in Australia, marked boldly by a gigantic rainbow about 8am this morning that started just outside our rooms in the lake waters. [continued below] ”

We stopped in Queenstown and boarded the Skyline Gondola to go to the top of a small mountain.

“Bodhinatha’s classes continue to unfold great wisdom, practical wisdom that Innersearchers can use everyday of their lives. Today he spoke of some of the negative things we encounter at home or in the office, such as criticisms, backbiting and negative gossip, helping us all understand the best ways to cope with this challenges should they arise in our life. He stressed that all is well in our universe, even in the midst of such negativity, and that we can learn to keep that perspective and thus remain centered and poised in the midst of such circumstances. It is all in how we respond.”

The view of Queenstown as the gondola (cable car) made its way up the mountain.

“By special request from the Innersearchers, Palaniswami has been giving classes on Gurudeva’s approach to meditation, dividing it into beginning and advanced meditations (which dive into the realm of contemplation) as a way to give an overview. His last class was this afternoon at 3pm covering many questions the Innersearchers had on concentration, the importance of breathing and such. One Innersearcher suggested a book be written, a small one, called “Fifty Thoughts on a Black Rock.”

“The Innersearchers are continuing to be amazed at the content of Bodhinatha’s carefully-crafted classes, and discussions continue throughout mealtimes, showing their enthusiasm about the subjects. In fact, our mealtimes have become major explorations into karma, energy, meditation practices and life skills. It’s truly amazing to be in such a discussion at the table with seven others, the sun still shining brightly at 9pm, talking about the mysteries and magic of life, and to suddenly glance across the lawn at Te Anau Lake, just 200 feet away, and marvel at the “Alps” behind it.

Bodhinatha with Easan Katir

With Mr. and Mrs. Mardemootoo

The view from the top is spectacular.

Time for a hike!

Bodhinatha goes for a 30 minute hike up the mountain. It was a tough trek with steep slopes. But Bodhinatha who sets an example of exercising 30 minutes everyday, even when he travels, completed the circuit.

Rudy and Dora about to go on a luge ride.

Nilufer and Josan also on their way for a luge ride.

Our Innersearch contingent from Singapore

Arjunan Subramaniam from Malaysia racing down the slopes on his luge.

Sadhaka Nilakantha

After a morning of fun hiking and luging we had an excellent vegetarian lunch in a restaurant with one of the finest views in the world,

The trees are so colourful

Coming down the mountain in the gondola.

Then it is off to the airport to board our flight to Christchurch then Wellington.

It is a small airport and we enjoy the walk out to the plane. Something you don’t get to do in most airports,

We arrive in Wellington.

It is a beautiful day with warm weather. The bay is as blue as the sky.

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