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Bodhinatha in New Zealand

Bodhinatha looking very bright on an excursion during the Innersearch first day in Te Nau, New Zealand



Panchangams for 2007 and 2008 are now online. If you had difficulties yesterday, please try again to day. We think all is well now.

Recently a long time devotee of Gurudeva, and past Innersearch participant, retired actor, Dee Pollack (who some may recall played in the series Bonanza years and years ago)…passed away. He had requested that he receive the proper Hindu rites.

Yogita (Ruth Anne Delph,on the right) is also a long time student and close friend of Dee’s having met him on Innersearch. Yogita, a regular pilgrim to Kauai, has been instrumental in helping Dee’s family see to the fulfilment of Dee’s final dream. She helped all his relatives come together on Kauai and have his ashes ceremoniously distributed in the ocean at the mouth of the Wailua River, with the help of Kulapatis Deva Katir and Deva Seyon. This is Dee’s son, Kai from Germany, a wonderful young man who is very interested to learn about his father’s spiritual and religious affiliations.

At home today the crane came and a few more roof stones were sent up…

Here is a short video taken from a cell phone.

Innersearch–New Zealand

We continue with our retrospective series from Innersearch. Today’s set show scenes from the drive from Queenstown to the remote resort in Te Nau….and trips to nearby places from Te Nau…

Next day…..Puvaneswary Roberts from Holland sits out in the sun to warm up before our ride out to Milford Sound.

A 1000 or more sheep block the highway as we try to edge past them

Speaking of animals we also have another small video of Bodhinatha feeding a kangaroo in Australia:

A quick stop at Mirror Lake

In the low lying mountains there is still snow present.

Entering Homer tunnel, 1 mile long.

[to be continued tomorrow]

Kauai Shorescapes

On the retreat some monks went to the ancient and beautiful sacred area of Mahaulepu on the southside of Kauai… There one finds ancient caves and areas much beloved by the Hawaiians in days of yore.

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