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Bhairava’s Turns Two Years Old!

Jai Ganesha!

On 10th March, the Siddhidata Kulam’s mathavasi celebrated our dearest Bhairava’s birthday. He enjoyed a peanut butter cake and a handsome bow tie. Bhairava is more than just a dog for us, he is like another monk and gentle protector. Having Bhairava with us is a great blessing for all us. Even though it was last week you’ll can still wish him a happy birthday, and we make sure he gets all the wishes. Aum!

16 thoughts on “Bhairava’s Turns Two Years Old!”

  1. hitesvara Saravan

    Ha’oli La Hanau. Mahalo Nui Loa for being protector of the gates and living up to your namesake.

  2. Ratnavathy Sivalingam

    Happy Birthday dear Bhairava! I hope you enjoyed your peanut butter cake, I’m sure it was yummy!

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