Before & After

Tomorrow we have a boon in the Sacred Garden. Siva has arranged for another part-time (20 hours a week) helper to keep the landscape in order. In the tropics the biggest challenge is not growing things, but keeping them from taking over the world. There is an ongoing need to cut back the foliage, mow, weedwhack, trim, prune, weed and such. And as CyberCadets know, we have 70 acres to tend to, some with intense needs and much with moderate demands.

We decided to celebrate the additional manpower with two before and after slide shows. There is a charm in these before and after images revealing the same subject years apart. They make us time travelers as we sit in the now and take a one second journey to the past. In an instant we can experience decades of effort and progress. Today we have two such adventures, both near Iraivan Temple. The temple aerial looks down to the right into Rishi Valley, which is the mudflats in the first slider.

1 thought on “Before & After”

  1. Such a great post! To me the temple being built and its pending open-to-the-public status is the greatest gift to humanity I have witnessed. So much gratitude for the hope it brings.

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