Kauai Aadheenam

There Are Paths and There Are Paths

Slide to show the asphalt path before and after

Paths and roads have been the great enablers for the Romans, the Vedic explorers, the early American pioneers, indeed all who wanted to go more than a hundred feet in a day. And the evolution from cow path, to walking trail, to dirt road to paved highway has marked mankind’s progress. So it will surprise no one that paths at the monastery are similarly evolving. For decades we had unimproved dirt paths and roads. A few years back we were able to upgrade a the major arteries, but until recently most access around the land (and visitor parking) was on unimproved dirt, often pitted with potholes that filled with water and mud whenever it rained, which is often as you know.

Fast forward to today. The monks are still getting used to proper asphalt paths, made possible by an unexpected gift. In the past 3 months we have paved virtually all roads and paths, several miles worth, so even on rainy days we can drive safely and comfortably around the monastery. It has changed our life in the same way cross country highways changed the dynamics of transportation in all nations. The slideshow shows the progress and the slider gives a BEFORE & AFTER of the path that now circumnavigates Iraivan Temple.

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Teaching the Young Ones

An Animated Version on Several Platforms

A devotee in Australia was inspired to create a series of podcasts and videos for his young son and all children, teaching them the 64 qualities discussed by Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami in his Character Building Workbook. Such a great way to introduce the young ones to the qualities they need to develop into a fully-functioning human being. Of course, it’s a lifetime of work, but starting them now will set them on the Good Path early in life.

Check out these podcasts on various platforms:

  • YouTube Video Playlist: Watch here
  • Apple Audio Podcast: Listen on Apple Podcasts
  • Amazon Audio Podcast (Please search for it)
  • Podcastle (Please search for it)
  • Spotify (Please search for it)

Our gallery below shows some screen shots from the YouTube animations.

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We Appreciate the Appreciation

We have just received a surprise award for our two blogs. Of the 60 best Hindu blogs of the year 2025 Hinduism Today is number 4 and this TAKA blog is number 6. Not bad.

Hi Kauai’s Hindu Monastery Team,

My name is Anuj Agarwal, I’m the Founder of FeedSpot.

I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Kauai’s Hindu Monastery Blog has been selected by our panelists as one of the Top 60 Hindu Blogs on the web.

This is the most comprehensive list of  Top 60 Hindu Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

We’ve created a badge for you to share with your audience. You can display it on your website or post it on social media to showcase this amazing milestone.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. 


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Seeing Differently

Infrared photography sounds like a secret spy technique, but it’s actually an amazing way to see the world through a whole new lens—literally! Recently a pilgrim with advanced photography skills captured previously unseen parts of the temple with her special lens.

This cool photography style captures light from the infrared spectrum, which is invisible to the naked eye. Here’s how it works: normal cameras capture the light you and I see every day, but infrared cameras use special filters to block visible light and only capture infrared light. This results in stunning photos with a surreal, dreamlike quality. Trees and grass turn snowy white giving our gardens the look of a deep winter in Norway. Skies can appear dark and foreboding, and everything looks just a bit magical.

Infrared photography has some practical uses too! It’s a handy tool in fields like environmental studies to monitor vegetation health, as healthy greenery reflects more infrared than the unhealthy or dead ones. (our trees are vibrant and robust, and thus the brilliant white look). Art historians use it to see underlayers of paint in old masterpieces to discover hidden secrets. Whether it’s for artistic expression or scientific investigation, infrared photography opens up a hidden world of unseen beauty and practical discoveries. It certainly gives a fresh look at Siva’s Sacred Gardens.

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Gurudeva Murti Arrives in Mauritius

The 25-inch-tall bronze murti of our dear Gurudeva has taken the route he often flew, from Kauai to Mauritius. As CyberCadets know, there are three copies of this masterpiece, one here at Kauai Aadheenam entrance, one at the temple in Alaveddy, Sri Lanka, and now a third in Mauritius awaiting installation in the months ahead. One monk commented that this is Gurudeva’s way to mystically tie together his shishyas in the three nations. One day we may see one in Malaysia as well. And elsewhere?

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Guru Puja Offerings

On January 10 the monks and members gathered in Kadavul Temple to witness the 310th Chitra Pada Puja, so the moon has circled Earth 310 times since his Great Departure. On that day in home shrines around the world devotees performed their own pujas. We have never shown that and so today we glimpse a devotees puja, complete with artistic images.

The Kularnava Tantra speaks of the Satguru’s feet most eloquently: “According to tradition, the totality of the Satguru is contained within his feet. All nerve currents terminate there. The vital points of every organ of his bodies—inner astral, inner mental and soul—are there. Touch the feet and we touch the spiritual master.

The big toe on the left foot gives the most grace. The left leg is the revealing grace, and the big toe of that leg connects to the guru’s pituitary gland, the entrance to the door of Brahm, deep within the sahasrara chakra where he instantaneously merges with Siva in the state of Parasivam. The vibration of the Satguru can be felt through gently touching his sandals. In doing so, one subtly tunes into the actual physical feet, astral feet, mental feet, soul feet of the preceptor.

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