Beauty of the Aadheenam

Jai Ganesha!

Hope everyone is doing great! Today, we decided to take a peaceful stroll around the monastery to soak in the serene atmosphere and capture its beauty. As we walked through the sacred grounds, we couldn’t help but admire the tranquil surroundings, the lush greenery, and the timeless architecture. We took some beautiful photos of the Aadheenam, hoping to share a glimpse of this divine space with you all. May these images bring you a sense of peace and inspiration. Aum!

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Bhairava’s Turns Two Years Old!

Jai Ganesha!

On 10th March, the Siddhidata Kulam’s mathavasi celebrated our dearest Bhairava’s birthday. He enjoyed a peanut butter cake and a handsome bow tie. Bhairava is more than just a dog for us, he is like another monk and gentle protector. Having Bhairava with us is a great blessing for all us. Even though it was last week you’ll can still wish him a happy birthday, and we make sure he gets all the wishes. Aum!

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Hale Hana Office Space Completion Ceremony

Jai Ganesha!

On March 9th, the Siddhidata Kulam’s new office was officially inaugurated. A small puja to bless the new office was performed by Mayilnathaswami, with Satguru and the monks attending. Later, after the puja, Yoginathaswami gave a tour of the office, explaining the space and how it would be utilized. It has been a 26 year goal for Siddhidata Kulam to eventually create this new office and machine-shop, reflecting the patience and dedication of the kulam’s monks.

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Hale Hana Update

Jai Ganesha!

The Siddhidatta Kulam’s new office is now nearing to its final stage of construction. Sannyasin Vishvanathaswami and Sadhaka Shankaranatha are now working on a new base for the aquarium for the new office. They are working along with Acharya Kumarnathaswami, who is coordinating and guiding them to construct the new base. Apart from Acharya’s many years of woodworking knowledge, he also has recent experience building aquarium stands, after working with Mayuresh who was here on taskforce last year. The two of them had built a stand for the Ganapathi Kulam’s aquarium which you can checkout at this link:

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Final Day of the Phase

Jai Ganesha!

Since it’s the final day of the phase, we took a stroll around the property to see what the Siddhidata Kulam monks were doing. In the morning, we saw Sadhaka Shankaranatha working in the woodshop. He was cutting wood for Siddhidata Kulam’s new office and arranging the pieces in order. Over in the Siddhidata Kulam’s new office, we saw all the mathavasis engaged in cleaning the shop, as their weekly end-of-phase tidying. Aum.

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