‘The smallest thing in this world is an allegory for the whole universe”
“Chaos is just another pattern, one that’s too grand for our minds to interpret”
Vel Mahalingam visits Iraivan Temple
“The mind indeed IS this fleeting world; therefore it should be purified with great effort.”
Kavi Cat asks for a head-scratch
Freshly harvested, picture-perfect, bananas
A green gecko peers out from a tree trunk
Bubbles, our uninvited pet duck, enjoys the stream
“There’s no scripture that surpasses what you’ll find inside yourself” – Bodhinatha
“Desire is life, and the reason we desire things is because we are alive. Desire is energy expressing itself.” – Gurudeva
“The easiest way to create big things, is to plant little seeds”
“All that is perishable, is only a symbol of an inner form that is truly lasting”
Yali Cat finds guests to pet him..
“God can be discovered only by God.” – Yogaswami
Aum Namah Sivaya
Today is the last day of our six-day lunar phase (our aloha-Friday, if you will…). Tomorrow, the monks enter a two-day retreat—our lunar weekend—and then begin two weeks of Sadhu Paksha, a time when we observe some variation in our personal morning routines, followed by our official change of season. Until then, we wish you all a good weekend, and hope you enjoy these photos from around the monastery today, along with some words of wisdom. Aum.
aum aum : )
How beautiful to see Siva in these many forms!!