The same light, just an hour earlier, through the palm trees
Kavi Cat enjoys the sunrise the following day
Gurudeva silently greets guests as they arrive
A brief bout of moisture makes happy plants around Kadavul Temple
The plants in the Ganapati Kulam aquarium are starting to look like a cherry blossom tree
No one told them to do that…
The fish are happy too
the cherry shrimp love their bright green moss
And the playful guppies display their bright colors
Our durian tree produce a few of its coveted fruits. Can you spot it?
phone cameras don’t know what to do with this amazing color.
countless little lizards live in the stone gardens
Sivaratri night
Siva’s crescent moon aligns with Venus for the evening
Jai Ganesha!
Over the last week the Aadheenam has been enjoying some wonderful weather, with clear sunny days and colorful evenings. While events continually take place here, the monastics are under the discipline of simultaneously experiencing the feeling that “nothing is happening.” Perhaps these photos reflect that, in that most are not of projects or events, but simply the background imagery of life—something important to appreciate too. Is your life defined more by the events that take place, or by the simplicity in between?