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The Self God

Yesterday Rajkumar Manickam sent us this creative expression of Gurudeva's classical upadesha on Parasivam, the Self in all. The original talk was recorded in his San Fransisco Ganesha Temple on October 3, 1959, on vintage audio equipment so the fidelity is not great, but the message makes up for that. Click on the Adobe link to mouse through Rajkumar's artful photos (he is a pro) and Gurudeva's remarkable talk. Then click on the second link to hear the original unscripted and unedited recording.

Rajkumar's Presentation

Gurudeva's 1959 Recording


Manivelu depicted the yogi\

s moment of perfect surrender and mmersion in the All and the Nothing, an art piece he did for Gurudeva\'s Merging with Siva book. '


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