Ganapati Kulam Morning Meeting
May 27, 2024Om Namah Shivaya
As we know, the monastery's monastics all serve in varied kulams during their hours of daily seva. Beginning at 8am on each day of their week, the Ganapati Kulam has a meeting to plan their day and discuss their many projects. This is the kulam that is responsible for both print and digital publishing, including Hinduism Today magazine and our books, websites, apps, etc. Many of them also help with pujas, cooking, care for our agricultural lands, and a variety of other projects. Today's meeting included some special guests. We had Vasanthakumari, who is here from Malaysia and Valli Anand who lives on the island. Both do exemplary seva here at the temple each day. Rajkumar (who took these photos) also attended. Aum.
Our publications team holds their daily meeting in the Media Studio.
The kulam affirmation, printed out for our guests, to start the meeting with.
Everyone is in attendance (including Nimu the parrot).
Paramacharya begins the meeting after our chanting and affirmation. Apart from project oversight, Paramacharya does many things related to our publications, including art acquisition, daily editing, article development and not to mention his work to create and recreate the entire landscaping around Iraivan Temple.
Vasanthakumari has been enjoying her several months at the monastery, doing Sivathondu in the MiniMela and attending pujas. We\
re happy to have such a wonderful sevak in our midst.'
Valli is a great temple host, handling tours, helping pilgrims and much more. The monastery deeply appreciates all her work.
Kodiswara is quickly learning all the many duties and projects in the kulam as he works towards becoming a monk.
The kulam\
s many projects are planned out in detail during these daily meetings'
Acharya Kumarnathaswami is a ninja with InDesign, our primary program, executing a great deal of our publications typography and design work
Acharya Arumuganathaswami manages the magazine, produces educational films and oversees our agricultural lands across the river
Saravananathaswami performs the 9am Siva puja in Kadavul, cooks dinners on some days, produces digital ai content (with an emphasis on audio production), and much more.
Tillainathaswami is primarily focused on web and app development and web administration for our online content.
And, of course, there\
s our year-old parrot Nimu. He spends his day singing (in his own non-tonal way), chewing on things and hanging upside-down laughing to himself. He\'s only recently learning to say \"Namah Shivaya.\"'