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Gurudeva Narrating Some Dancing with Siva Lessons

We are inching closer to adding Gurudeva's original audio narration of certain Master Course trilogy lessons to the online text version. After that we will use his new digital voice clone to narrate the rest.

First we are cleaning up his narrated lessons of Merging with Siva from the late 1990s, which total around 130.

We also went back to some old videos taken of Gurudeva narrating some lessons from Dancing with Siva, and are now extracting audio from that to clean up and use. In these videos Gurudeva often spontaneously expanded on the lessons before and after narration. We might add these videos to our YouTube channel in the future after editing them. Below is a short sample from a video where he speaks more after reading a lesson.

[video width="720" height="480" mp4="https://www.himalayanacademy.com/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Gurudeva-DwS-sampler.mp4"][/video]

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