Russian Language Initiatives
May 10, 2024The team in Moscow continues to repurpose our Himalayan Academy work energetically. Their team leader, Dinanatha Bodhiswami, emailed a few days back sharing that they wish to add the Saivite Hindu Religion, Book One to their list of books. Having done the entire trilogy and Loving Ganesha, they seek to reach the young ones.
It is a simple book, all in black and white, giving dharmic teachings in four languages: English, Tamil, Bahasa Malaysia and French. Each page is illustrated with the concept being presented to the children. The files were sent and now translation will take place ahead of printing.
CyberCadets will know that this same team has been publishing Hinduism Today in Russian for several years, and each year compiles the four issues into a bound volume, shown in the slideshow.
Cover of the children\
s book'
We show a sampling of the pages, beginning with Lord Ganesha. The French translation is off the page.
This is the 2022 annual volume of the magazine.
Inside an article in Russian.
The two-page spread for the remarkable Ramanuja statue in India