New Vratashishya
May 6, 2024Jai Ganesha!
Jai Kailasa Parampara!
Aum Namah Sivaya!
Currently, Madan Ganesan is visiting Kauai Aadheenam from Bengaluru. He's here with his wife Sumathi and their son and daughter. For several years now Madan and his family have been very focused and devoted in furthering their association with our guru parampara. This is their first time for the whole family to be visiting here together, so it made for a very auspicious occasion. Today both Madan and Sumathi took their vratashishya vows in front of Satguru and the Kailasa Pitham.
"I believe in You, the one Supreme God, Lord Siva, and the Gods of our Saivite faith, and in the Saiva Dharma. In love and trust I recognize Your goodness in providing for my every material and spiritual need. I affirm that the twelve beliefs of our Saivite Creed, and our Affirmation of Faith, fully and unequivocally express my own beliefs, and I wholeheartedly vow to uphold and preach them as an authoritative, distilled formulation of our venerable faith. I understand the importance of beliefs, which have the power to create our attitudes, which shape our actions and reactions throughout life. I appreciate that our Saivite Creed serves to maintain the continuity and purity of the Vedas and Agamas and give strength and guidelines to individuals seeking to understand life and religion."
“In humility and gratitude, having received the blessings of Lord Siva through these spiritual vows, I promise, now and for my entire life, to be an ardent, dynamic, responsive, loving, grateful, loyal vratashishya of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, serving as a member of his global Saiva Siddhanta Church among my kulapati’s extended family.”
The two read from their vow books before Satguru
The books are then signed
Followed by special blessings!