April 2024 Chitra Puja
April 29, 2024Jai Gurudeva!
Recently we observed our monthly Chitra padapuja for Gurudeva. In the early evening, monks and local members gathered to honor Gurudeva and receive his blessings. Yogi Dayanatha and Nirvani Tejadevanatha performed the abhishekam as other monks chanted Sri Rudram. Upon completion of the Rudram, the rest of the puja continued in silence. Aum Namah Sivaya.
"Look to the satgurus, who have themselves met and overcome the challenges that still lie ahead for you. Look to them and ask them to help you to look within yourself. Much of the mysticism which is the greatest wealth of Hinduism is locked within these masters, who in our tradition are known as the satgurus, the sages and the siddhas." Gurudeva
\"Performing daily sadhana, keeping good company, pilgrimaging to holy places, seeing to others\
needsthese evoke the higher energies, direct the mind to useful thoughts and avoid the creation of troublesome new karmas.\" - Gurudeva '
Yes, willpower is the key, the must, the most needed faculty for spiritual unfoldment on this path. Work hard, strive to accomplish, strengthen the will by using the will.
\"The best way to promote peace is to teach families to be peaceful within their own homes by settling all conflicts quickly.\"
\"The greatest thing that a devotee must learn is that all knowing is within oneself. Therefore, go to the great superconscious school within you and bring forth knowledge.\"
\"Living in the future overactivates the intellect, the emotion and the desires. The future is little more than another form of mental fantasy. Past and future are equally unreal and a hindrance to spiritual unfoldment.\"