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The Sweet Hymns of Tayumanavar

Today we heard from Sivakumaran in Singapore that our Oduvar there has completed more recordings of the songs of Saint Tayumanavar and they will be sent to us as soon as he returns from India. That progress inspires us to share a couple of the devotional quatrains and a canvas our own S. Rajam painted for the future book, probably published in 2025.

Here are three songs as translated by our swamis.


Song 6
Just as the heavenly waters cascade over the hills, the flood of my love's tears courses over my breast. Have You not seen that, O Being uncreated Who flows as the pellucid river of peace? O blissful Lord in Whom the musical streams of the four Vedas find symphonic confluence! O Being pervasive!

Song 7
Have You not seen my heart and face droop as I yearn for the day I will join Your fellowship of devotees? O Lord, know that I am the one with folded hands seeking Your grace, singing in all directions. O Being pervasive!

Song 9
Lacking wisdom, I praise You not, nor seek liberation. Such a fool am I! Alas, what must I do to tread the holy path? Will Your benign grace not grant me at least sufficient devotion to serve Your noble devotees? O Being pervasive!

We asked ChatGPT to summarize his songs in 100 words:

Thayumanavar, an 18th-century Tamil saint and poet, is renowned for his devotional songs that deeply explore the inner journey towards the divine through love, surrender, and union. His poetry, rich in metaphysical and philosophical insights, emphasizes the importance of detaching from worldly attachments and realizing the self's oneness with the Supreme Being. Thayumanavar's verses blend intense devotion with profound mysticism, inviting seekers to experience the divine presence within. His work, a cornerstone of Tamil Saiva Siddhanta, continues to inspire devotion and spiritual introspection, emphasizing the transcendental nature of seeking God within the heart's silence.


S. Rajam captures the young saint (he only lived on Earth for 37 years) worshipping Siva at the shrine at the bottom of the Rock Hill Temple in Trichi, his hometown. On the upper left we see the famed Uchhipillaiyar Ganesha Temple which sits atop the hill.



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