Through the Lens - Kauai Aadheenam
February 8, 2024Om Namah Shivaya
We recently received another set of photos from Rajen, who is currently here from Mauritius. He's been exploring around the Aadheenam, taking photos here and there. Enjoy!
\"There is no place where Siva is not. He is in you. He is in this temple. He is in the trees. He is in the sky, in the clouds, in the planets. He is the galaxies swirling in space and the space between galaxies, too. He is the universe.\" - Gurudeva
\"Finally, you go beyond light. Finally, you go into the core of existence itself, the Self God, beyond the stillness of the inner areas of mind. That is the mission and that is what humanity is seekingtotal Self-God Realization.\"
\"When through meditation, we view the universe from the inside out, we see that there is not one thing out of place or wrong. This releases the human concepts of right and wrong, good and bad.\"
\"Our individual existence, our individual life, should be identified with the immortal body, not with the physical body, not with the emotional body, not with the intellectual body, not with the astral body.\"
\"Unfoldment doesn\
t take a lot of time. It just takes a lot of willpower.\"'
s devotees accept all experiences, however difficult, as their self-created karma, without cringing or complaining. Theirs is the power of surrender, accepting what is as it is and dealing with it courageously. Aum.\"'
\"Examine the word \
I\' and honestly see what it means to you.\"'
\"Visualize a powerful light flooding into your solar plexus as you breathe in, charging all the batteries of the nervous system, filling your body and mind with energy and positive will.\"
\"Think today about the personal experiences in your lifetime and clearly view just how often you cling to the banks of life\
s river by attaching yourself to personalities and possessions.\"'
\"The teachings of yoga are so basically simple and so basically concrete. And the most beautiful thing in the world, on contemplation, is the simplest thing in the world. The most beautiful design is the simplest design.\"