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Celebrating Ardra Darshanam

"God can be discovered only by God." – Yogaswami

Today is Ardra Dashanam and the monastery is observing an abishekam to Lord Nataraja in Kadavul temple, bathing Him in water, milk, yogurt, vibuthi, honey, chandana, citrus and more. It is a special time once a year when the Moon, Earth and Sun, align with Ardra, the brightest star in Orion (also known as betelgeuse to astronomers). Siva's star is also known as the Dancing Star, due to its constant fluctuations of light. Ardra is a Red Supergiant, and is one of the few that are visible with the naked eye. If it were to be in the center of our solar system, its surface would be at the asteroid belt, fully engulfing Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

Our Gurudeva had many wonderful words to say about our beloved God Siva, here are just a few taken from Merging with Siva:

"Of course, if you love Siva, obviously you have to love everyone else. Love brings forgiveness. Love brings understanding. Love brings feeling. All Saivites of the world love Siva. They love each other, and they love the Vaishnavites, the Shaktas, the Smartas, the tribal Hindus and everyone in the world, because Siva's energy is working through everyone in the entire world--plants, trees, animals, fish, birds. It's so simple. The object of the lesson is to make yourself a very simple, uncomplicated person. Aum Namah Sivaya."
- Gurudeva

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