Blog Archives
April 22, 2002
"Worship the One Supreme, Oh Mind!
That which pervades the universe and the soul.
It is the Eternal Light of Reality."
Yogaswami --Natchintanai. 175.
Another wonderful day at Kauai Aadheenam with fine pilgrims and car blessings
Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.
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Gurudeva's statement on September 11th
Krishna Vyas and his wife from Edison, New Jersey. This young couple were just married a week or so ago. Their aunt had visited to Kauai 15 years ago and she urged them to visit the Siva temple on Kauai. They were really enthused by their visit and said to Bodhinatha "You should hold youth camps here."
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The newlywed couple with Subash Balakrishna and family from Santa Clara.
The Balakrishna family meets with Bodhinatha. They were also enthralled with their visit.
Today we had the traditional vehicle blessings for both Bodhinatha's new car and our Bob Cat. These are always fun events. Here a small image of Ganesha has been placed on the new car which has been decorated with holy ash and flowers.
On the left is the Bob Cat which is a great addition to our Siddhidata Kulam. Powerful and adroit, it comes with many implements for earthworks... a constant need as we develop our 450 acres of land.
Natyam Tyaganatha performs an arati. This new car is a Honda Hybrid. Bodhinatha wanted to put our teachings on ecology into practice by getting a fuel efficient vehicle based on a new technology that combines electricity and gasoline. The engine generates electricity when it runs. Even the brakes generate electricity as you come to a stop. When low power is required, the gasoline engine shuts off and the car runs silently on electricity which it has generated and stored in it's own battery. Amazing.
Bodhinatha breaks the coconut, after which limes are placed under the wheels of the vehicle and the car drives over them. The keys are also blessed.
Now, the Bob Cat coconut. The vehicle blessing helps to invokes the forces of safety and auspiciousness, letting the devas know about the new conveyance so they can wipe away any thought forms connected to them from their previous places of residence.
![]() The Remarkable Vision |
Iraivan Temple Progress Update |
Join this historic undertaking. Please contribute generously. Sponsor a stone today! |
The silpis are working on the inner wall of Course Number Nine.
The team faces some challenges in the days ahead. Yoginathaswami talks with Shanmuga Sthapati. Sthapati is always looking ahead... there is no going back to fix anything in this work. Look ahead he says the 13th course has some two-ton stones that are about 8 feet long. These present a challenge for the forklift. Of course in the old days they build ramps and rolled the stones up on logs with elephant power. But that takes a lot of time and we don't have elephants here on Kauai. We may need to bring in some bigger equipment for these stones.
Please give generously to the project. It is awesome!
Gurudeva's spiritual center in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa
Drawing and painting is always fun for the young Master Course students at the weekly seminars at the Saiva Dharmasala. On that day the seminar activities were mostly centered on the New Year 5104. The youth were being guided how to make a greeting card for their parents and friends using traditional Saivite Hindu images. Here the we see Ulasha from Flacq and Vanaja from Triolet joyfully working on their greeting cards.
Kolams are colorful designs of different shapes which are traditionally drawn during important festivals on the floors in the homes and temples. For the New Year most families draw kolams in their homes. Here our lady catalyst is teaching the youth how to design and decorate a very simple kolam. They are using rice mixed in different colors. All the youth really enjoyed coming forward to fill in the drawn spaces with the colored rice under the eyes of Gurudeva in the large photo behind. They were then each one given a copy on paper to try at home.
Here is the finished kolam. Our youth are satisfied with their collective delicate assignment and happily dedicate it to Gurudeva and wishes everyone on TAKA : Happy New Year Chitrabanu
On April 7th our Mauritian Church member Mahadeven Mootoosamy married a Himalayan Academy student. Mahadeven works at the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation as an audio/visual technical operator. In his youth he had been to Kauai Aadheenam for a six months Task Force.Congratulations to the new couple !
After the wedding the Church members were invited to a special delicious vegetarian lunch at their residence at Plaines des Papayes. We can see a few of them here: Parmeshswaran Ramsamy, Kumaren Moorooven, Somandiran Peruman and Premila Manick.
Kartikeyan Manick and his wife (not in the photo) from the south of the island are now new members of Saiva Siddhanta Church. The Manick couple are part of Kulapati Koothan family in Chemin Grenier. Kartikeyan Manick is a university graduate teaching Tamil language at secondary level. Welcome to our great Siva Sambandan!
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Study Gurudeva's teachings.
transcription begins
Date: April_09_2002
Title: "Antar Mandir", The Inner Temple
Category: Temples and Temple Worship
Duration: 11 min., 23 seconds
Date Given: May 23, 2002
Given by: Bodhinatha
Working on an article here, this is just the first draft of it.
In India, you cannot help but think about the Ayodhya situation. Hindus are wanting to build a temple in Ayodhya, no matter what. If it causes violence or not, it does not matter. It is important to build this temple.
We have been thinking about that, calling it 'Sri Ram Mandir', in this talk.
In addition to the Ayodhya 'Sri Ram Mandir', there is another temple that you need to think about. That temple is close to everyone on the planet. Now, how can that be? How can one temple be close to everyone on the planet? Some people live here, and some people live there. It must be far from some, and near to others, right? No. This temple is the same distance from every person on the planet, because it is their inner temple, the temple inside of us. We are calling that the 'Antar Mandir', the Inner Temple.
A number of years ago, I was in Chennai and meditating at a temple there. A young man came up to me, watching me meditate. I was sitting there for half-an-hour or something. He had gone around to all the shrines and had darshan.
He came up to me and said, "What are you doing?"
I said, "Meditating."
He said, "What is 'meditating'?"
I said, "Well, there is a temple inside of us. We can experience God and the Gods inside of us in our Inner Temple."
But, he was not convinced. He said, "No. It doesn't make any sense."
It is true. Definitely, there is an inner temple. You have heard me tell the story before but it shows the importance of he inner, in our tradition. It is Yogaswami's story about the Tamil Conference. Remember that one? 'Utsavam Tamil'.
There was a Tamil Conference in Colombo, during Yogaswami's lifetime. An International Conference coming to Sri Lanka! I mean, this was very exciting. Not in India, this was in Sri Lanka. We have a Conference on the Tamil language taking place in Colombo. So, everyone in Jaffna is very excited. There were signs all over the place for the 'Tamil Conference - Utsavam Tamil'.
Yogaswami, in his own way, took advantage of the situation. He promoted his own conference, which he called, 'Utsavam Tammul' or 'Inside-You Festival'! He was stressing that what was going on inside, is more important than what is going on outside of us. When it comes to spiritual life, it is the inner reality, that we need to think about, not the outer show. It is the inner life, what is going on inside of us, that is the important thing.
So, what is our 'Inner Temple'? The 'Inner Temple', of course, is our soul. More precisely, our soul body. Anandamayakosa, karana sarira. Two words for the soul body, our body of light, which is what reincarnates from life to life. It is the real us. From one point of view, it is not our inner temple, it is us. But, because we identify with the external, it looks like it is inside. If we identify with it, that would be a more correct perception. We are looking from the outside today. So, we say the inside of us is this body of light and inside of that we can experience God. So, that is our Inner Temple.
Outer temples, of course, are very important. Building them is a good thing and maintaining them is a good thing. But, if in building or maintaining an outer temple, we get into disagreements, harsh words, or even worse, violent actions, that is creating a barrier to experiencing the inner temple. Clearly, the greatness of building an outer temple, is not achieved if we do it in the wrong way. If harsh words, disagreements, arguments, violent actions are involved, we are definitely doing it the wrong way, preventing us from experiencing the inner temple.
The purpose of having an outer temple and worshipping there is to help us eventually experience the inner temple, right? It is not supposed to make it harder to experience the inner. It is counter to the whole idea of the temple.
Gurudeva had a very mystical perspective on this, when it came to the Iraivan Temple. We have all heard him say, on many occasions, while talking about the foundation. He said, "The foundation of Iraivan Temple will come up when my closest devotees purify themselves, with sadhana and tapas." Remember that statement?
Everyone was asking, "When will the foundation get built? When will the foundation get built?" They were looking at it in an external way, which of course, is natural. Gurudeva is looking at it, from the deepest mystical point of view. He is saying, "Well, that won't happen outside of us, until something happens inside of us. This temple is a special temple. It is not an ordinary temple. It can only manifest when my closest devotees further purify themselves."
The Maha Vasana Daha Tantra was very important at that time. Everyone went through that process. So, when enough of Gurudeva's closest monastic and grihastha devotees further purified themselves, lo and behold! the foundation got built. It took a long time. Sort of, like doing Maha Vasana Daha Tantra.
You can see the difference here. Gurudeva is looking at is as, "Oh, we want to build the temple on the outside. What do we do? Well, we purify ourselves on the inside first. When we become sufficiently purified, sufficiently closer to our inner temple, the outer temple will manifest." A very profound look.
When it comes to the inner temple, the 'Antar Mandir', for some people it is at quite a distance. It is like a temple on top of the Himalayas. It requires a long pilgrimage. That is how far the inner temple seems from the person. Even though, it is right inside, it seems that far away. To other people it is very close. As close as, say, the nose is to the eye. That is pretty close. It is that close.
So, what makes the difference? Why is it close to one person and far away from another? It is the same distance, in one sense, from everybody. The difference is because of what is in the subconscious mind, how much impurity is in the subconscious mind, how much we haven't cleaned up the reactions, the residue of past, adharmic actions. It is adharmic actions, inappropriate actions which cloud the subconscious mind. So, if someone has a very heavy subconscious mind, the inner temple is not accessible. It is as remote as a temple on top of the Himalayas. It is just something you never get around to getting to. It is too far away!
If someone has done a lot of sadhana and tapas, purified the subconscious mind, and is living a dharmic life, then it feels very close. You can go inside. There is nothing in the subconscious mind, preventing you from going through the subconscious mind into the superconscious, into the soul. Nothing there. You have cleaned it up. So, it feels very close. But, if you haven't done sadhana and tapas, your subconscious mind is still cloudy and you are still doing adharmic actions, even if it is in the name of building a temple, you are still being violent, still speaking hurtful words, getting into arguments, then you are actually moving further away from your inner temple. You are going at a distance from it, it would obviously be counter-productive.
So, the idea is that we should always remember the inner temple. In any activity involving the outer temple, building them and maintaining them, we need to remember the existence of the inner temple, the Antar Mandir. It is our soul and that is the most important of all our activities in the outer temple. Eventually, it will bring us to the inner temple. It is in the inner temple that we have the ultimate darshan. A much deeper, a much more profound experience of God and the Gods and our oneness with God. It is the goal of all worship in the outer temple.
That is what we call, Antar Mandir Jai! Slogan - Antar Mandir Jai! We can all go around chanting "Antar Mandir Jai!", like they are going around chanting, "Sri Ram Mandir Jai!" in India. We are developing our own slogan to counter that.
So, that is just in its preliminary stages, the thought that the inner and outer temples need to be looked at as a whole. The outer temple needs to be in tune with the inner temple, eventually. Then, we really are benefited in the way we are supposed to be.
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Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!
Our next Innersearch Travel-Study program will be held right here on the island of Kauai in the summer of 2002. It's the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we will enjoy daily classes with the swamis, join in the annual Guru Purnima festival, be inspired by local culture, explore the lush tropical island in exciting and non-touristy ways, and more. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with meditations, seminars and sacred ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai's Hindu Monastery. Many have applied already, and there is a limit of 50 participants, so we recommend everyone apply as soon as possible. Interested? Please request an application from |
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