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Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001 Click to read the News Release

Gurudeva's Statement -- Attack on America

We recently compiled all the tributes, testimonies and condolences that devotees, friends and well-wishers have sent in on the occasion of Gurudeva's Maha Samadhi. And we will continue to collect these over time. Here is a short but powerful statement from one of India's leading spokesman for Hinduism, Sita Ram Goel, who writes from New Delhi:

"As a Hindu I cannot express regret at what you have written about Gurudeva. Ramakrishna Paramahansa and Ramana Maharshi also suffered from cancer. Sri Aurobindo had a kidney failure. We are all in God's hands and great men like Gurudeva leave a great legacy which lives after they have left the body. He has also done great work for Sanatana Dharma and the recent reawakening of the Hindu mind carries his stamp. His greatest contribution has been to rescue the word "Hinduism" from being a dirty word and restore it to its age old glory. Secondly, he made the Hindus everywhere to see themselves as a world community and as inheritors of a great civilization and culture."

--Sita Ram Goel.



Today is the last day of the phase. And we are heading into a three-day retreat. Today's TAKA page will stay here until January 1st, when our next page will go up. In the meantime have a happy "Julien Calendar New Year" entry into the year 2002!

On the right, Gurudeva's successor, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami listening intently to Sadhaka Thondunatha who shares details of his fund raising work for the Iraivan Temple.

For those who may not have tuned in yesterday, there is a really wonderful 24-minute audio of Bodhinatha's weekly spiritual discourse on yesterday's page. (Dec 27th)

No Audio Today

Be surprised!
Take this opportunity for an adventure.
Close your eyes and click to get a message
picked at random from Gurudeva's vast audio archives

A Hindu family originally from Rajasthan, Mr. and Mrs. Vijay and Chavi Mehra and their son and daughter.

It has been a very busy holiday season and especially delightful for all the little children that are able to come during school break.

Originally from Chennai, a young couple from Seattle, Deepa and Venkatesan Sathamurthy -- they are software engineers at Microsoft.

This family came a few days ago. Suneil Parulekar, his wife Rohini and their two daughters Sateja and Sangna from San Jose were inspired to come back today.

The Mehra and Sathyamurthy families together. Kauai Aadheenam is becoming a spiritual crossroads for people who might never otherwise meet.

This being the last day of the phase, we have our usual diverse group of truth seekers, curious tourists and religious pilgrims from other faiths all together for the phasely tour.

The mission work at the Aadheenam is going forward full force. The year end Iraivan Temple fund raising mailing for the USA was finished two weeks ago and today the monks all left their individual departments to join together for an hour before lunch in the Guru Peedam to work on the overseas mailing.

This has been our place of meditation for over thirty years. And also a place for doing mailings. Gurudeva often told the monks that they should "Put your prana and good thoughts into the mailing. People will feel the energy and be uplifted when they get it at home." Sadhaka Jothinatha folds the year end report to envelope size.

Paramacharya Ceyonswami and Sannyasin Guhanathaswami also folding.

We need your help! Please give generously!

Yesterday was our monthly "Ashram Sadhana Day" when all the monks shut down their computers and clean, clean, clean, clean!

First we start with two hours working on our officially assigned areas. This means if your daily duty is to clean the bathrooms or the coffee shop or the store room, then you spend and extra two hours to upgrade your area. Then the latter half of the morning is spent on special projects assigned by the Siddhidata Kulam Talaivar (head of the monastic department that supervises grounds, building and vehicle maintenance). The Ganapati Kulam (Publications teams) was assigned to work on the three "gazebos" or outdoor "mandapams" -- gathering places. Here Sadhaka Jivanananda sprays the roof of the "Mango Mandapam" to loosen things up.

Sivakatirswami works on the chairs... good old soap and water.

The Remarkable Vision

Join this historic undertaking. Please contribute generously. Sponsor a stone today!

Monthly Report
Sponsor a stone
Iraivan Wonders

Our silpi team has completed positioning all the stones for course number six and is now doing some grouting work. The stones in the back of the sanctum have a pinkish tinge. Here Silpi Adaikalam works with a little concrete dye to get the color of the grout mortar just right. It is not an easy thing to do!

mmm... Looking a bit too red....

Definitely too red!

So, he adds here a little bit of grey dye to get a match.

Kauai Aadheenam

Saiva Siddhanta Church Malaysia Mission

Our saga continues with the final pictures from the Malaysia Gurudeva Memorial event.

Our young Church members sing the beautiful songs of our Paramaguru Siva Yogaswami. It was one of Gurudeva's "commissions" to all his devotees that they should learn and study these beautiful songs called "Natchintanai" which embody all the teachings of Saiva Siddhanta.

Introduction Speech by Thiru So.Paramsothi( Hon.Gen.Secretary , Malaysia Hindu Sangam)

"Gurudeva attained Maha Samadhi on November 13, 2001. We are all gathered here to pay homage to Gurudeva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya Swami. He is known to all Hindus of this country, as well as other parts of the world. He is known to the world as a great preacher of Hinduism. His books are gifts to all Hindus throughout the world. I hope all the devotees will pay due respect to our beloved Gurudeva."

History of Gurudeva Speech by Thiru A. Kuppusaamy, who is one of the senior elder of Saiva Siddhanta Church in Malaysia.

During the speech, Brother Sivaneswaran Sockanathan provided slide.

Kuppusaamy said, "In the 12th Thirumurai Sekilar sang in the Periya Puranam - Saiva Neethi must reach its high peak and spread Saivism worldwide."

The Saint had written this a few hundred years ago. Gurudeva lived accordingly and spread Saivism worldwide. Who else spread Saivism worldwide other than our Gurudeva?

Gurudeva's soul has done his thondu for the people of this planet and now has he gone to the feet of Lord Siva Peruman to do thondu in Sivaloka!"

[Then Kuppusamy read from a section of the news release issued from Kauai Aadheenam -- 'A Mystic's Life, Decade by Decade.'
Click on the link at the top of this page to read about it.]

Aum Sivaya"

Memorial Speech 2 by Sangaratna , Tan Sri M. S. Sundram (President , Arulneri Thirukkoottam)

Gurudeva lived in this world for 74 years, well-known by all the Hindus and spread Saivism worldwide. Swamiji followed his Guru, Yogaswami. He lived in yoga throughout his life and left his body in the yoga form, without taking medication. His thondu for Saivism is so great, that we cannot put in proper words the value of his services. Though he was born as an American, he became a strong Hindu and found his Guru in Sri Lanka and followed his Guru. He daringly made arrangements to perform dance in Chidambaram in front of Nataraja, where the dance was forbidden in the temples for hundreds of years. He realized the Lord Siva's Tandava dance and lived accordingly. His temple services and releasing of his books are unforgettable by us. He had used the modern ways to teach and spread Saivism to people. It helped hundreds of thousands of people to know Hinduism. Jaffna Arumuga Navalar's sivathondu was limited to Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu. He had no opportunity to spread Saivism throughout the world. Gurudeva fulfilled his wishes. Gurudeva had spent more than 52 years to teach and to spread Saivism. He was not born as a Hindu. He was not born in Tamil Nadu. He was born in America as an American. He lived as a Saivite. He achieved this wonderful life through his punyam done in the previous birth. He learned Saiva Siddhanta thoroughly and he taught what he found to be good. Swamiji followed his own Saiva Siddhanta policy and he trained the suddha Saivas, the Swamis. He worked hard throughout his life to teach Saivism and to promote Saivism. He never taught the teachings which he could not accept. He avoided arguing about the philosophies of various sects of Hinduism. He showed importance to religion but not for the arguments. He spent his time on Hindu religion. He had worked hard for Hindu solidarity. He did not show hatred to any religion. He believed all the sects of Hindu religion are the part of Saivism. To attain moksha, Saivism is the best way. He lived as a Saivite and taught others to follow and live as Saivites. He shone as a Jagadhachariar. He was not only a guru for a particular group like Saiva Siddhanta Church, but he was accepted by all as a guru for them too.

He has disappeared now, he is no more with us. It is very proper to celebrate his memorial. If we were to respect him, we must follow his foot steps, learn his teachings, live accordingly and reach the goal. He had taught us to have peace in the world, peace at home, peace between husband and wife, peace should be everywhere. His teachings are beneficial to everybody. This is the first memorial meeting and hundreds of people have turned up for the event. It is nice to see you all. I hope all of you will follow what he had taught us and live peacefully.

I thank you.

Appreciation Speech by Thiru S. Perampalam (President, Sri Kanthasamy Temple)

Thank you very much, everybody, for attending on this auspicious day.
Whenever Gurudeva visited Malaysia, he wished to come to this Kandasamy Temple. When Gurudeva visited Malaysia in July 1983 to address the first Saiva Siddhanta Conference, he was very happy to see that the people of Malaysia were very much attached to Saivism. Gurudeva told us that he went to many Aadheenams in India and asked his doubts on Saiva Siddhanta. He was not satisfied with their explanation. When he visited Malaysia, he asked some of the pundits and they gave satisfactory answers. He told us that he would call for a Saiva Siddhanta Conference in India and invite Pundits from Malaysia to take part in the conference. When we were in the conference in India, we submitted our papers on Saivism and our suggestions were accepted by the Indian pundits. We, Malaysians, were very proud of Gurudeva for helping us to take part in the conference.

Saivites of Malaysia must lead a very good life in this country and be an example to others. He said he would help with all means to promote Saivism in this country. Gurudeva always advised the parents to teach religious knowledge to children. "Love the children. Love the family. Show love to everybody."

Ladies and Gentlemen, this association is very deeply sorrowed by the loss of Gurudeva. He was a Great Man. He was propagating our religion. We are very much grateful to him for having set up wonderful people to carry out his work.

On behalf of Malaysian Hindu Sangam and Saiva Siddhanta Church, I wish to express my sincere thanks to all who have come forward and participated in the memorial meeting of our great Gurudeva. Let us all pray to him. May his soul attain atma shanthi and attain moksha, and may his wish that his followers continue his good work that he started, continue in a grateful manner and let us all benefit from there.

Thank you very much.


The gathering.

The crowd in line to pay homage to Gurudeva at the end of the event with flowers

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Plans are in the works for a wonderful innersearch program located right here on the island of Kauai in the summer (July/August) of 2002. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with classes, meditations, seminars and wonderful ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai's Hindu Monastery. Details are being worked on and we will be informing prospective participants in the new future of the exact dates. If you would like to be on the mailing list to be informed, please send your full contact information, name, address, phone and email to


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