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Gurudeva's Statement -- Attack on America

Yesterday, Thursday, November 15th, in Kadavul Hindu Temple the ashes of our beloved Gurudeva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami were interred in a chamber beneath the sanctum of Lord Siva Nataraja. The six-hour ceremony was one of the most powerful ever witnessed here, and, some devotees said later, ever witnessed in all their lives. Somehow, amidst the sorrow of our great loss, there was also great joy, as our beloved Master was finally free, dancing joyfully, we all felt, in the inner worlds, continuing to shower his grace upon us... now, firmly established in the temple and firmly established in our hearts. And Kadavul Siva Temple is now transformed into a Samadhi Shrine of the Kailasa Parampara, just as the place where Kadaitswami's ashes were laid to rest in Jaffna, has become a Siva temple.

One month and nine days had passed since Gurudeva was informed of his condition. His passage was as swift and decisive as was his way while living. In those 39 days we all witnessed a kind of miracle of love that he wrought among us, as day by day he moved inwardly to Siva's Feet and sishya the world over came to meld together in an incredible Satsang, a Siva Sambandham that was Gurudeva's last living gift to all of us.

For those who were not able to be we us, we will attempt, over the next few days, to recount this story and also share with you the many wonderful eulogies coming in from those who were touched by Gurudeva the world over.

Above is Gurudeva with his successor, now known as Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami... or "Bodhinatha" as he is affectionately known to all of us.
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Our story of the magical passage one of this era's greatest jnani's, the "Lion of Dharma" leader of the modern day Hindu renaissance, continues with the young priest Jahahan. Janahan had performed Guru Puja for Gurudeva in California after Gurudeva returned from Innersearch. He is a young man, born in America of Sri Lankan ancestry, trained in the Sri Vidya tradition and has been reading Hinduism Today since he was a young boy. When it was clear Gurudeva's time had come, the monks called him to ask him to officiate at the ceremonies of passage and installation of the ashes. In California, Janahan had a dream in which, Gurudeva, who was then entering the last week of his fast, said "Come, I want you here on Sunday." On Sunday, November 4th, he arrived he did a special Guru Paramapara puja at a shrine established just outside the door to Gurudeva's room...

Janahan asked Bodhinatha to sprinkle the kumbha, into which was invoked the spirit of all the Guru's before, Yogaswami, Chellapaswami, Kadaitswami, who would be there to escort Gurudeva into the inner worlds. Some of the monks were sitting inside the room with Gurudeva who was, though very much in the inner worlds and not speaking to us, listening intently to the puja in progress outside the door. He smiled when the bell rang and his name "Gurudeva" was intoned by the priest.

That was the last special ceremony held until the moment of moksha, November 11th, 11:54 PM, when Gurudeva left his body.

As per Gurudeva's instructions, within the hour after his passing all the monks adjourned the Guru Peedam where a simple "coronation" was held for Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami. Here Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami receives the silver staff, the Danda -- the official scepter of spiritual authority of the Guru Maha Sannidhanam of Kauai Aadheenam, head of the Kailasa Parampara of the Nandinatha Sampradaya, which is being passed to him by Paramacharaya Palaniswami and Paramacharya Ceyonswami who had also earlier, one week after Gurudeva started his fast, received from Gurudeva the "Guru Diksha" empowering them to give "Mantra Diksha" to devotees of this lineage.

Bodhinatha gave a beautiful upadesha to all the monks on that historic night, saying "Nothing will change except that Gurudeva, instead of working with us on the outside will work with us from the inside."

Here is a wonderful message from one of the great leaders within Hinduism, His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj for the Swaminarayan Fellowship which has some 500 monks in its order.

"We are all personally grieved to know this sad news. Many of us have shared deep spiritual relationship with Gurudeva. I myself and my sadhus will do special prayers/puja for the welfare of Gurudeva. Sadhus will also do special japa of malas for Gurudeva.

The first duty of all the disciples and sadhus of the Gurudeva would be to follow every command of Gurudeva and keep on doing the great work he has been doing in letter and spirit. In Hinduism's tradition the body dies but the spirit and consciousness of the person who has left the body will continue to guide. I would do special prayers personally for Gurudeva who has done great work. Same respect as was given to Gurudeva should be given to his chosen successor Paramacharya Bodhinatha. Gurudeva's spirit will continue to guide his successor. Whomsoever comes to his seat would be respected for his qualities of virtue and spiritual worth and not talent and capabilities. Gurudeva's saintliness and spiritual values will continue to guide the whole sampradaya, this has been the tradition of Hinduism."

Satguru Bodhinathaswami has been with Gurudeva for 37 years and has, behind the scenes, been instrumental in the fulfillment of much of the mission work Gurudeva has started that everyone sees manifest today.

Gurudeva and Bodhinatha have also been working closely with Kauai island leaders as one of Gurudeva's firm beliefs was that as the Iraivan temple comes up, so too the island of Kauai must also thrive and that it is the duty of the monastery to also serve the community and the land where we live. Here is a eulogy from our Honorable Mayor Maryanne Kusaka, who received much spiritual support from Gurudeva and the monastery:

Service for Gurudeva
Tuesday, November 13, 2001
Mayor's Remarks

Aloha, dear friends.

We were all prepared for this day. And yet, we were not prepared.

How could we possibly think that we could prepare for the loss of such a courageous man? The loss of such a dear and devoted friend?

Gurudeva touched each of our lives in a very special way. He touched the lives of millions of people the world over.

Gurudeva was a shining example of goodness in a world sorely in need of one. He was a wise mentor to many. He was a kind and attentive father to Kauai's children and families of all faiths. His profound leadership inspired intense love and loyalty in his followers.

Although Gurudeva is no longer physically with us.... we will feel his presence in our lives always. He will be ever hovering in our collective soul -- a white dove -- a vision of beauty and purity. He will continue to show himself in all that is good, as we who loved him follow in his radiant light.

[continued below:]

Bodhinatha shared with the monks his experience when Gurudeva had sent him, on two different occasions, to live in Sri Lanka for several months at a time. He recalls visiting the famous Markanduswami who was a disciple of Yogaswami who had a strict vow to only speak the words of Yogaswami. Bodhinatha said, "That was a wonderful spirit... and we too shall carry on not by doing something new or different, but by spreading Gurudeva's word."

Mayor's eulogy continued:

How blessed we are to have had Gurudeva in our lives. We do not fully realize the greatness of Gurudeva. Perhaps we were too close to him... so privileged were we to have him walk in our midst. How could we fully appreciate what he meant to millions of people around the world?

Every man wishes to leave a legacy. Gurudeva's legacy will be forever with us, as his temple becomes a reality in the valley he called home. For generations to come Gurudeva's light will shine from the temple, uniting his followers and those who loved him the world over.

And so let us remember the teachings of a great man. Let us imagine a world living in concert with his vision. Most of all, let us give life to the lessons Gurudeva taught us.

In that way we can think of his passing, not as a loss, but as a gift. A gift to his beloved Kauai, a gift to the world.

Somehow, I think he would want us to do that.


Bodhinathaswami went on to tell the monks how blessed we all were: "Just think, when Gurudeva was in Sri Lanka and received his slap on the back from Yogaswami, he came back to America and had nothing -- zero! Look what he has done. It is amazing! And we now are starting with all this, this monastery, this monastic order, this temple, a deeply committed and truly strong group of family members in many countries, the Iraivan temple, all of Gurudeva's books, so much.... We are truly blessed."

It is indeed amazing as everyone looks around, to see the multi-farious accomplishments that Gurudeva has achieved. A legacy of giant proportion. As one man said: "If you just look in any quarter, you will see something remarkable that Gurudeva has done, and so many things. Any one of these accomplishments would have been enough for some people to achieve greatness."

One of these was Gurudeva's vision of an independent Hindu Heritage Endowment that could serve as a financial power for Hindus down through the ages. That vision was and is being powerfully realized. Among the most beloved funds established in the endowment were the orphanages. We share here the words sent from an orphanage in Sri Lanka:

From: Thirunavukkarasu Nayanaar Guru Kula Aadheenam
Sri Lanka
Tel:0094+63 29712

Prostrations and obeisance at the lotus feet of your holiness.

The News of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya Swami's Attained Maha Samathi reached us today. that made us sorrow and the devotees fell in sad.

The Special maha Mrytunjaya Pooja is arranged at Thirunavukkarasu Nayanar Guru kulam. Seven days special Programmes are organised through out the area to perform Poojas and prayers at the temples, and in the Hindu societies.

The vision and the divine blessings of our Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya Swami's guided us towards the Hindu Community.

Our Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya Swami's divinity made our Guru Kula Children to live in a religious environment.

The Gift through Hindu Heritage Endowment assisted us in our activities.

Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya Swami's messages will be carried out in our routine.

We also convey our heartfull, prayerfull, wishes to Satguru Bodhinatha Veylan Swami's who is to guide the Hindu Dharma.

Click to read the complete news release on Gurudeva's Maha Samadhi and also a summary of Gurudeva's life and mission.

Innersearch postponed

Due to the horrific tragedies of September 11th, Himalayan Academy has indefinitely postponed the Canadian Innersearch scheduled to leave next July. Please be assured, we will re-schedule the Innersearch, but only when the present insecurity around the world settles down. Until then, if you are planning to go on a future Innersearch program with Gurudeva, continue to set aside a little income each month in a special fund.


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