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Gurudeva's Statement -- Attack on America

Gurudeva signs books for guests today. In his daily talks to the monks much wisdom is given. Today he spoke about the difference between studying and doing various practices without much thought versus having a thorough philosophical background and actually putting the philosophy into practice in one's life. One could, for example perform the Vasana Daha tantra (writing down problems, regret, issues in relationships with people) but if you didn't put the philosophy into practice it wouldn't mean much. You could still continue to get jealous or angry or resentful. This would show you still didn't understand basic precepts about the nature of God, soul and world.
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This fine couple, Trent and Shirley Smail, have been here for a week on pilgrimage from San Diego.

Gurudeva gave some of his "straight talk" about the so-called "New Age" movement to the guests. In an image that he has often drawn over the years, he describes the mountain that reaches to the heights of God Realization. Some religions take you half way up the mountain, some religions have a path that takes you all the way to the top of the mountain. Then there are those who circle around the bottom of the mountain, nibbling a little of this, a little of that and 20 years later they are still circling around the base of the mountain, dedicated as ever to not being dedicated to anything.

In the Lambodara Kulam office, Sadhaka Thondunatha and Sadhaka Mahadevan are hard at work on mailing out the monthly Iraivan Temple newsletter.

This is a delicate flower that grows on a water plant, the subtle violets and lavendars have an immediately uplifting effect on consciousness. Color meditation is one of the ancient practices of yoga, drawing one into high inner realms where thought, sound, color are all present as the precursors to physical manifestation. By gaining concentration through color meditation, one begins to establish control over the flow of awareness at the inner realm where thought, will, desire and action have their inner source.

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transcription begins

Date: September_13_2001
Title: What the Soul Learns; Being on the Right Path
Category: The Spiritual Path
Duration: 3 min., 03 seconds
Date Given: July 15, 2001

Acharya Palaniswami: This question comes from Tamil Nadu in India, from the city of Trichi, from Vaiyapuri.

Gurudeva, my question is whether atma the soul is also getting the education that the mind is getting when we study something?

Gurudeva: First, me must establish our identify to our external mind and internal mind as well. We are the soul. We are not the external mind.We are not the emotions. We are not the physical body. We are not the memory patterns of the subconscious mind.

We are the soul. So, whatever we take in through any of the other layers of the mind, of course the soul is aware.

Acharya Palaniswami: This next question comes from Donald Gilbert, lives in the US, studying the Master Course. He is reading about sin and suffering in Sloka 51, 'Why is there sin and suffering?'

I know, Gurudeva, that there are some things that are unavoidable, but some things are avoidable. Suffering is totally avoidable if one is indifferent or apathetic to the world around them. But I find if one is concerned and sensitive to the world around them, then suffering is unavoidable. Yes, then one should accept their suffering as part of compassion. But it is not easy when you are surrounded by the painfully imbecilic people.

Gurudeva: Donald, first define the path you are on, that is most important. There are many paths. Traditional paths I mean, not New Age paths. New Age people run around the mountain and up one path and down that path, then up another path and down that path and are totally committed to not making a commitment of any kind.

The Saivite path, a wonderful path, is the most ancient path on the planet. We look at happiness and suffering as different intensities of the emotions. The whole world is made of prana. The entanglements of prana produce suffering. The smooth flow of prana produces happiness.

Part of our great teaching is to surround yourself with people that have this beautiful, smooth flow of prana, people that think as you do, behave as you do. You have free will. You have choices. Use your superconscious wisdom to make the right choices in who to associate with and the philosophy that you adhere to. Then once your path is chosen, stay on that path.
transcription ends

Innersearch postponed

Due to the horrific tragedies of September 11th, Himalayan Academy has indefinitely postponed the Canadian Innersearch scheduled to leave next July. Please be assured, we will re-schedule the Innersearch, but only when the present insecurity around the world settles down. Until then, if you are planning to go on a future Innersearch program with Gurudeva, continue to set aside a little income each month in a special fund.


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