Blog Archives
September 26, 2001
Gurudeva's Statement -- Attack on America
Gurudeva spoke to the monks today about people who are on the path. If they have problems, they are wise enough to take his teachings and put them to work to solve those problems. This is a key principle in spiritual life. Gurudeva has given us many tools. The question then becomes, if we use them or not.
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picked at random from Gurudeva's vast audio archives
Saravananathaswami with a Master Course flyer. He is actively cultivating seekers by encouraging them to study the daily lessons.
This is the "Master Course Story" which you can read by clicking here.
Acharya Ceyonswami, Talaivar of the Lambodara Kulam with Sadhaka Thondunatha. They are responsible for the on-going fund raising for the Iraivan Temple and also the constant flow of pilgrims to the monastery.
Several years ago a "Hanging Jade" vine was planted at the foot of a Banyan tree on the Path of the Saiva Saints. Slowly it made it's way up and up and up. into the banyan. Last year it blossomed with just a few flowers. This year it bloomed in full glory with fantastic hanging clusters of brillian red flowers. Its truly an incredible sight.
The Remarkable Vision |
Iraivan Temple Progress Update |
Join this historic undertaking. Please contribute generously. Sponsor a stone today! |
Course number four has been completed and the silpis are now starting on course number five.
Please give generously to keep the team here in the US. We need your support! Contact
Here we see the silpi taking off a small "handle" that is left on many stones until jointing. The "handle" provides a small space between the stone and those underneath, allowing a crowbar to get underneath, to move the stone easily without damaging the edges. When the stone is finally ready to be moved into place, it is removed.
Study Gurudeva's teachings.
transcription begins
Date: August_31_2001
Title: Inner plane activities of becoming a Hindu
Category: Change and Transformation
Duration: 2 min., 52 seconds
Date Given: July 07, 2001
Acharya Palaniswami: This question comes from Christina Barisso in Shasta, California.
Namaste Gurudeva. When one chooses a religion or a sect within a religion, apart from the sharing of the basic philosophy taught by the creed, the worshipping, the sacraments, the behaviors, rituals and path to be followed during the soul's journey through an incarnation, is one also somehow selecting without being absolutely aware of it, the kind of soul's existence and inner plane evolution pattern that one is going to have after this earthly life is over?
For example, by joining a particular religion, is one selecting the kind of inner plane work to be performed later? The amount of time in between incarnations? The particular pattern in the wheel of samsara whether the future incarnations are going to be on this planet or on another planet? In general, patterns related more with the inner plane.
I wonder if you might have examples of inner plane life for souls that are linked directly with Saiva Siddhanta Church.
Gurudeva: Many people are on the fringes of Hinduism and Buddhism, never making a full commitment. They feel they can take the core out of the religion and remain who they are and not mix with the people of that religion. If one joins the Mormon Church, one studies Mormonism, mixes with people who are of that religion and faith and they don't mix with other people.
Whatever happens here on earth, similar happens in the inner world after one passes on. They go to the world where the people are of their same vibration, belief, etiquette, culture. People who are born with absolutely no religion at all, never have been exposed, have a free choice of their first religion. They therefore get guardian devas from the inner world of that religion and tune into all it has to offer. Those who have been raised in a religion, know the religious leaders, the priests, the rabbis, the imam, have a more difficult time leaving that religion to join another.
transcription ends
Innersearch postponed
Due to the horrific tragedies of September 11th, Himalayan Academy has indefinitely postponed the Canadian Innersearch scheduled to leave next July. Please be assured, we will re-schedule the Innersearch, but only when the present insecurity around the world settles down. Until then, if you are planning to go on a future Innersearch program with Gurudeva, continue to set aside a little income each month in a special fund. |
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2. Newest Book: HOW TO BECOME A HINDU |
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