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July 11, 2001
Today, after our morning worship and meditation, Gurudeva gave his weekly Sun Five, inspired talk on family life for the "Grihastha Shastras." At the end of the talk he sends the monks who come forward for the daily blessing of holy ashes on the forehead.
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transcription begins
Date: September_15_1998
Topic: Realize Untarnished Perfection
Duration: 3 min., 56 sec.
Date Given: September 15, 1998
Good morning! Here at Kauai Aadheenam, it is Tuesday, September 15. Another day, the second day after our retreat.
During our retreat, we don't turn our computers on. We just started that, because the computer demands so much time. It is so demanding that we forget about people. There should be some time, when we are not just sitting in front of the computer. A computer is like a typewriter. It is a tool to be used to produce, not for entertainment. A whole-family entertainment is watching the television. That is one good thing. Everybody in the family will be together, even though they don't talk together. But, a computer separates the family. Modern psychological study has shown us that people who are facing a computer all the time experience depression and loneliness. A computer cannot love you back, no matter what you love on the computer.
So, follow our example. Take two days a week. Don't watch anything on the computer for entertainment. Use it as a tool to get your work done, as a sadhana.
No ... I am not reading what I am going to say next. I did read 'Merging with Siva', Lesson 156. But, what I am going to say next is just for you, just between you and me, between us.
I just want to convince you that you are a beautiful soul living on planet Earth. Unfortunately, and we don't why it happened, we are living in a physical body and an astral body. We have tools of emotions and intellect to deal with, either to use or to be used by them. Get that new identity, get that new identity. Get that new identity that you are an untouched, untarnished, perfect soul, evolving on planet Earth. Free from taint, free from tarnish, your true nature is happiness. Your true nature is peace and infinite intelligence. This of course, you learn on an inner path after proper initiation in the tradition of our great Sanatana Dharma. But, you can realize right now that you are a soul, living in a physical body, having the use of an intellect, having the use of emotions, not being controlled by them.
So, don't be controlled by your computer. Don't be controlled by what you see on television. Don't be controlled by anything but, the direction that comes from your soul, that still small voice, that knowledge of what is right and what is wrong. It will never, never, ever fail you for it knows dharma, which is the great scriptures of our religion which came from the Vedas, the Upanishads, came from the souls of great people, came from Siva who created the souls of these great people.
You are also a great person and you can make a difference on this planet. Realize your true identity. It is not difficult. I am not asking the impossible. I am asking you to stand up, sit up, be free. Become a spiritual leader. Make others happy. Get your happiness from making others happy. Make others secure, by feeling secure yourself. We will talk more about this again tomorrow, as we have darshan together.
transcription ends
Today we were blessed with that always amazing event of nature called a "swarm" of bees. This is when one colony of bees decides it is overcrowded and they raise a young virgin queen and see her off with a couple of thousands of bees to find a new home. After the young queen takes flight all the bees that are with her will swarm in the air. In this state they are perfectly benign and have only one thing on their mind: "Is the queen mother among us?" It is an unusual sight and sound. As soon as they determine she is present in the air, on signal they will all form a cluster on a branch.
While they cluster a few old "scouts" will go out to look for a home. We were all praying they would move into the walls of the Guru Temple. We had bees in the roof of our Guru temple for over 20 years and then had to remove them to make the area safe for roofers putting in a new roof. But bees are highly auspicious and a sign of wealth. Gurudeva had requested that after the new roof was installed that openings be left under the eves to allow a new colony to take up residence again inside the walls ... That was two years ago and today, just as Gurudeva wished, the scouts found the old bee site and moved in. You can put your ear to the wall of the meditation room now and hear them humming inside.
As young palms grow their sometimes sharp, thorny fronds are cut away to open up the area underneath. Today this palm got quite a hair cut!
Summer brings visitors with their children who are out of school. Mr. Prabhaben Patel from San Francisco and Yogesh Joshi and family also from California.
Later they all went out to the rudraksha forest to search for rudraksha seeds.
The Remarkable Vision |
Iraivan Temple Progress Update |
Join this historic undertaking. Please contribute generously. Sponsor a stone today! |
Some final touches on a corner. Course number two is proceeding well.
After checking height and position and leveling the stones it is now time for final placement. A thin layer of mortar is spread and the stone is put to its final resting place.
Final adjustments are made, while the mortar is still fresh. Thousands of years from now. it will still stand as a testimony of the faith, dedication, tapas, sacrifice and vision of Gurudeva, his monks and all the devotees who are participating in the project. Shanmuga Sthapathi stands supervising every little move. This man was responsible for the erection of the famed statue of Tiruvalluvar which stands over 140 tall at the tip of India. Made entirely of stone it is like the "Statue of Liberty" for India... So we have the right man for the job!
With over 20 more courses to go up on top of these stones, it is imperative that each surface be perfectly level as we go up.
It appears they only have about ten more stones to place to complete course two.
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12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries and One Chance in a Lifetime! Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all. Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.