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Gurudeva meets with Acharya Ceyonswami to discuss issues of the day. Acharya is the Talaivar (head coordinator) of the Lambodara Kulam that is responsible for the coordination of the Iraivan Temple Project, hosting guests and sponsorship of the Iraivan stones.

Title: Positive Affirmation

Category: The Spiritual Path

Duration: 1 min., 13 seconds

Date Given: 05/16/2001

Date Posted: June_10_2001

Cybertalk: A cyberspace devotee from India was told that if she were to use positive affirmations she will only be reminding herself of her negative qualities. Gurudeva says that this is not a Hindu concept and that she should choose only one person to listen to. Gurudeva advises her to use positive affirmations to create a positive life for herself.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sadhaka Mahadevan

Click to send Gurudeva a spiritual question he will later answer for all to benefit.

transcription begins

Date: August_23_1998
Title: The Gods build Temples Worldwide
Duration: 2 min., 52 seconds
Date Given: August 23, 1998

Greetings and Aloha everyone. This day is a very special day for us. We have just had a wonderful fire homa-puja and the date is the 23rd of August. We are in the middle of an eclipse, the energy is very high and we are feeling very good. We are using this energy to move Iraivan temple forward.

We are trying to raise $275,000 to complete the foundation. An enormous foundation, one pour of three feet of cement that balances out the tremendous weight of the hundreds of tons of white granite, beautifully carved from Bangalore. Iraivan, Chola-style temple.

So, we are doing this homa today to get the vibration going and the inspiration going, because we don't know how to build a temple. The Gods live in the temples, so they know how to build temple. They have built over 800,000 temples around the world. That is as many as Hindu temples that I know we have. But some say, there are over 1 million and if you were to include the small shrines, probably two million. If you were to include the shrines within the homes, probably 5, 6, 7 million. They say that, if you were to count, there are 3 million Swamis, sadhus and Gurus. These are the ministers of Sanatana Dharma.

Well, today is a wonderful day for you. I rambled on a bit too long, I think and we are running out of time.

Live in the eternity of the moment and express gratitude for all the goodness in your life. We hope that our electronic ashram and my speaking to you through cyberspace is something you can be grateful for. I am grateful for you tuning into the electronic ashram. Come again tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after that. We welcome you, we love you, we appreciate you. We are grateful for you that you are living on this planet and during your lifetime you can make a difference to bring in the New Age. The New Age, the Golden Age of beauty, peace and harmony, where love reigns supreme. One God, One World.

Aum Namasivaya.
transcription ends

Sadhaka Japendranatha is spending sometime with his father, Mr. Ralph Whitten and his wife Steveanne Auerbach, who are here on a visit. Mr. Whitten is a Forensic Serologist with the San Francisco Police department and does high-level DNA testing of fluids that may be found at crime scenes.

Gurudeva blesses the couple with a shawl. Steveanne is also know in the big wide world as "Dr. Toy," and is a specialist in the field of "educational entertainment" for young people. You can visit her really great web site at:


Here we are with our great team of craftsmen from India at the "silpi house" which is one block down the road from the monastery. Our temple site manager, Jiva Rajasankara is with them on the right. And Chinnu stands in the middle. He is their cook and what a great cook he is too!

Here is another wonderment of the Iraivan temple. This is a drawing one of the musical pillars. For over 300 years, no such pillars have been carved other than a small one in New Delhi. There will be two of these full-sized pillars for Iraivan. Carved out of a single monolithic black granite stone, each one will have smaller pillars inside, with different shapes, which, when tapped will sound a note or "sruti" from the musical scale. In ancient days, these pillars were used by musicians to tune their instruments. We still need sponsors for each one.

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