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Things are moving forward at the Aadheenam. While all is quiet, BIG things are in the offing. We all feel like we are watching some giant wave off shore rolling steadily home: travel plans for the temple artisans to come to Kauai, six containers of stones at sea now making their way to Kauai, "maha" planning sessions for Gurudeva's travels to Germany and the coming Northern European Innersearch, the re-publcation of Dancing with Siva and Lemurian Scrolls in the Russian language in the Ukraine, culmination of the translation of Merging with Siva into Russian and proof reading by Sophia Publishers editor in Crimea, little nibbles from Argentina for the possible publication of Merging with Siva into Spanish for distribution throughout South America and Spain and a "teaching" push to put forward the key principles of Living with Siva: the Yamas and Niyamas and the Nandinatha sutras. Finishing up Living with Siva and sending it to the printers and 10 day count down to complete the July/August issue of Hinduism today. A big subscription promotion push in United Kingdom. . . all orchestrated from our little grass hut in the middle of the Pacific. . .amazing when you think about it!

Title: Do we take on karma by watching TV?

Category: Karma

Duration: 2 min., 31 seconds

Date Given: 04/11/2001

Date Posted: April_19_2001

Cybertalk: Cyber cadet, Jutikadevi, asks Gurudeva if we take on karma when watching certain television programs. Gurudeva says if you are not emotionally affected by what is going on the television screen then this indicates that those karmas you have gone through and now you are no longer affected by it.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sivadevanathaswami

Click to send Gurudeva a spiritual question he will later answer for all to benefit.

transcription begins

Date: April_13_2001
Title: New Year Part 1
Category: Hinduism and Tradition
Duration: 3 min., 14 seconds
Date Given: April 13, 2001

We want to wish everyone a very happy New Year. This is a very important year for Hindus around the world. It is the year of aggressiveness, the year of accomplishment, the year of will power. This year we except a lot of accomplishment worldwide, in all the temples that have been established outside of India.

Hindus worldwide have demonstrated enough of togetherness and generosity, in working to build temples and have them dedicated in the proper and authentic way. Many ask now, "Why did we build the temple?" and answer, "Well, so we can get together in community, hold the community together and stop conversion."

True. Very, very true. That was the first goal and that has been accomplished in several hundred temples worldwide, in many countries. Now, the trustees of the temple are becoming looked at more and more, as the spiritual leaders of the community. If a government representative wants to talk to the spiritual leader of the temple, who does he ask for? He asks for the president and the president comes forward in that capacity. Maybe momentarily, but he does come forward in that capacity.

I want to see the stewardship of each temple to take the leadership responsibilities seriously. The temples are built, the temples are dedicated, the Deities are there, the priests are there, the congregation is there. It is up to the core elected leadership, the trustees of the temple to actually become full-time spiritual leaders and make a difference in the lives of the parents, in the lives of the children and change the community to being a model community. If members of the community who attend the temple drink alcohol and because of that become angry and because of that, are a problem within their family and neighborhood, they should go to Alcoholics Anonymous. It is the duty of the trustees of the temple to visit their homes, talk with them and see that that happens. If wives within the community are beaten, slapped, verbally abused, it is the duty of the wives of the trustees of the temple to see that they are put into a safe place and the situation is corrected within the community.
transcription ends

Task forcer Sivaneswaran from Malaysia is looking happy and healthy. He just received his graduation certificate from Himalayan Academy yesterday from Gurudeva.

Arvindraj also received his graduation certificate. This is really a great accomplishment as the requirements are quite thorough. Both Sivaneswaran and Raj have completed the following:
1) a year study of Merging with Siva, 365 daily lessons, 52 weekly sadhanas.
2) The study of the Master Course and related text comprising: Living with Siva, Dancing with Siva, Merging with Siva, the Saiva Dharma Shastras, Loving Ganesha, God's Money and books on Positive Discipline.
3) Test questions on the above books comprising nearly 700 questions in total (The questionaire for Saiva Dharma Shastras alone is 350 questions.)
4) a verbal quiz.

In addition both of these great souls have taken their three vratas: a) vegetarian vow, b) tithing vow c) lineage vow.

And they have both completed their Maha Vasana Daha Tantra.

Wow! Congratulations to both Sivaneswaran and Arvindraj!

Here is also the "fruits" of the seva of Sivaneswaran and Arvindraj: sacred rudrakshas in a box. They are freshly picked fruits from this year's harvest, hand cleaned and drilled and oiled. It is traditional for non-monastics to wear a single one around their neck and we are calling this box set "Rudrakshas for the whole family." The monks have decided not to get into the "jewelry" side of making a necklace, but to leave that to the wearer, to choose something as simple as a string died in tumeric powder, or as exotic as a gold chain with caps on both sides. . .as long or as short as you want... made up by a local jeweler of your choice.

One box is $20.00, payment at this time can only be made by check or money order mailed to:

Iraivan Temple/Sacred Rudrakshas
Kauai's Hindu Monastery
107 Kaholalele Road
Kapaa, HI, USA 96746-9304

Of course, please be sure to include your address. Every purchase will go to the San Marga Building Fund, in a remarkable synergy of our sevaks, Siva's trees, ancient tradition, modern mail order and your generosity -- all teaming up to help build another a temple that will last 1000 years, a monument, a beacon for dharma for generations to come!

At the urgent request of the editor, Andriy Kostenko of Sophia Publishing in Kiev, Ukraine, Gurudeva dictated a beautiful preface for the second Russian language printing of Lemurian Scrolls about to be printed in just a week or two. It was so beautiful we are sharing it here with everyone:


Preface to the Second Printing of the Russion Edition
of Lemurian Scrolls, publisher:
Sophia Publishing, Kiev, Ukraine

"Lord Karttikeya, the God of war, domiciled within the Pleiades, is at this time paying special attention to all of us here on Earth. He was created by Lord Siva to preside over and resolve conflicts and confusions, discontent, misunderstandings and all that has gone wrong. Misnomered as the God of war and often taken as the God who starts wars and perpetuates wars, He is often beseeched by warlords wanting to motivate their peoples into modes of destruction and aggressiveness. But this is not true. Karttikeya, the God of war, is the God who stops wars and conflicts, arbitrates misunderstandings, settles disputes of all kinds. He is depicted as six-headed with twelve arms and holding a spear, indicating that his wisdom is as wide as the breadth of the spear and its action is as sharp as the point of the spear. Once thrown into the heart of asuric confusions, such as war, conflicts of all kinds, it returns of its own self back into His hand. His six heads and twelve arms represent his variety of powers. He is the God of yoga, of healing and tapas. He is the first renunciate to throw down matters of the material world in favor of an innersearch, a discovery of Absolute Truth within. Dear to the Tamil people as Murugan and Kumaran, He is the God of South Indians, and of Sri Lankans, who have dispersed themselves all over the world because of ethnic conflict. (continued below)

I take this opportunity to tell devotees in the great continent of Russia that we avoid and have discarded the Puranic stories about Gods and Goddesses. These stories, which are so popular nowadays and are so often repeated to children, are more than often totally against ahimsa, nonhurtfulness physically, mentally and emotionally, which is the central core of Sanatana Dharma. They have been perpetuated by rulers wanting to motivate their people in the name of the Gods and Goddesses to go forth and kill and extend their properties, or by pundits and scholars endeavoring to build up their sect within Hinduism to put down other Gods and Goddesses and the people that worship them. We here in the United States do not repeat them, read about them and above all let the children know that they exist.

Unfortunately, the Bhagavad Gita, which has been so popuarly advertised, came up as a major scripture, promoted to stimulate the Indian people to throw out the British. Imagine Krishna telling Arjuna that it's okay to kill your guru, your relatives and dismiss the outcries of his own conscience. If you read the Gita with this in mind, you will see it as a motivating scripture toward war, not away from war.

(continued below)

Lord Karttikeya is the arbitrator for win-win situations in all circumstances. Pray to Him when difficulties arise and notice that He will respond. Then you will see clearly that, according to the yamas and niyamas, Vedic restraints and observances, His wisdom is supreme.
With all this in mind, let me say that, quite spontaneously, the remarkable dissertations that you have so lovingly translated into your beautiful Russian language were revealed to me from Lord Karttikeya's library within the akasha and read day after day in 1973. Please be aware that it was by no accident that this happened, and after keeping it in 25 years of hibernation, read only by our cloistered monks, we were inwardly inclined to release this remarkable document to the world. We prepared the in-house book for publication and sent preliminary copies to scholars and pundits, historians and psychics and educators for their review and comment. Only after we read what they said were we assured that it was proper to release these akashic findings presented to me from Lord Karttikeya's, or Lord Subramaniam's, personal library.

We know you will enjoy what your Lord, our Lord, has revealed to us of how we should live, move and have our being on planet Earth as we near the day that the new age begins, when the last person kills the last person to be killed. That is the great day preluded by the time when man lit by his own devices the night. That was the beginning. Let's all work together for this end, this glorious turning point, and may we all live to see the beginning.

12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all. Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.


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